• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Tomatoes are toast

I'm ready to make the official declaration. Way too much humidity, too much rain, and too many stretches of mild temps, including overnights in the 50s. Early blight whacked them early, which is disrupting the fruits' ability to ripen. By this time last year, I was rushing to preserve, cook with, do anything with, tomatoes. Now, the semi-ripe ones I bring in to try to "save" tend to rot.
I have hope for some peppers, but my harvest by this time last year to now is black and white. The comparison isn't even close.

Other's in NJ have relayed the same thing. Anyone else on the East coast having the same issue?

I'm a net buyer this year!
Edit: because of this trouble, I did plant two late Black cherry tomatoes that will probably produce a reasonable amount of fruit.
My tomatoes are still doing pretty well. Peppers are fully loaded and picking everyday. I am having problems with pepper maggots. Little fuckers are making it less fun this year.

I am in NJ too
Despite my efforts, I noticed my buttercup squash were taken out by squash vine borers. Yes, they do make things less fun. But it's palatable when everything else grows well.

I'm glad your efforts are being rewarded!
My tomatoes are pretty much toast too. Out of 6 plants I probably only got about 10 tomatoes.
A couple years back we got a bad batch of soil from a local garden supply company - it wasn't fully composted and as a result our tomatoes/cukes/melons were all hit with this fungus that killed the plants off right as fruit was forming or even worse, ripening.  I took a couple pics and some of the leaves over to a master gardener that I know and she recommended Serenade.  
We have used this product as a foliar spray for the last two years and it has held back the fungus - to the point where I no longer fear losing our crops.  It's rained a lot here over the past month, so we have had to reapply the spray often, but its better to do that than watch your plants die imo.  As an added bonus it also seems to drive away the rabbits (it's pretty sulfuric smelling) so we haven't seen the beets/beans/kale get eaten as badly as before either.
Check it out - it might help.  :)
(note: I am not a paid endorser of this product!)
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My large maters have a lot of fruit little ripening and some small black spots on some of them..Though I think it is only skin damage..My cherry tomatoes leaves are starting to yellow after growing to almost eight feet before the last hail storm..I've harvested a couple hundred cherry tomatoes and probably have 300 more on the vines from 9 plants..Peppers are coming along but really slow to ripen..I was looking at pics  from last year and I'm like 3 weeks to a month behind previous years..I had a great eggplant year even though all the leaves have small holes in them..And cukes are doing better then normal..Garlic was a little on the small size..Thats my report from central CT..
SmokenFire said:
A couple years back we got a bad batch of soil from a local garden supply company - it wasn't fully composted and as a result our tomatoes/cukes/melons were all hit with this fungus that killed the plants off right as fruit was forming or even worse, ripening.  I took a couple pics and some of the leaves over to a master gardener that I know and she recommended Serenade.  
We have used this product as a foliar spray for the last two years and it has held back the fungus - to the point where I no longer fear losing our crops.  It's rained a lot here over the past month, so we have had to reapply the spray often, but its better to do that than watch your plants die imo.  As an added bonus it also seems to drive away the rabbits (it's pretty sulfuric smelling) so we haven't seen the beets/beans/kale get eaten as badly as before either.
Check it out - it might help.   :)
(note: I am not a paid endorser of this product!)
Thanks! I'm going to check this out for the future...
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