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Tomatoes doing badly


I've been having a rough time with tomatoes this year. I planted Big Beef, Celebrity, and Parks Whopper, (have had good luck with all 3) and ONLY the PW have done well. Now they seem to be having the same problem the others did. They LOOK like they're just drying out. Any ideas?

Here in Western NC we have had tomato blights forever.
Only last season we used a Biofungicide called SS Garden friendly Fungicide
plants lasted longer without defoliation.

This season we added Cease another Biofungicide with good results.
Symptoms: Plant grows well, setting a load of fruits
Leaves begin dying at bottom of plant working it's way up.
Tomato's are left to sun scald.

So far so good. Our apples & pears are doing great as well.
Here in Western NC we have had tomato blights forever.
Only last season we used a Biofungicide called SS Garden friendly Fungicide
plants lasted longer without defoliation.

This season we added Cease another Biofungicide with good results.
Symptoms: Plant grows well, setting a load of fruits
Leaves begin dying at bottom of plant working it's way up.
Tomato's are left to sun scald.

So far so good. Our apples & pears are doing great as well.
I'm a victim of this shit too; second consecutive year but much earlier this year. I bet it has to do with the long heatwave (very humid too) followed by the monsoon rains we've had for the past month or so...
followed by the monsoon rains we've had for the past month or so...
Cool wet weather is the time most fungal, viral, & bacterial problems occur.
Using the Biofungicides in advance of disease is the way to control the blights.

I have been aware of Fungicides however they, the commercial Fungicides
are very toxic. Biofungicides are alive & work within nature to fight plant illness
they occur naturally & are friendly to good bacteria etc.

Henderson Co was the apple capital of NC & today with the blight so bad
farmers are thinking of getting into Grapes instead.
Too bad Commercial growers are stuck on chemical means to grow their crops.
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it looks sandy but it's actually really rich underneath - the rain has washed some sand on to it, even on the hills.

fungus, I can see that, especially since I have a fungus on my peppers too. Looks like I've acted too late, though.