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TommieK's first ever attempt.

Hey guys.
I'm (attempting) to grow 6 varieties, serrano, bhut jolokia, prairie fire, yellow cayenne, cayenne and chocolate hab's.

So far, serrano seems to not enjoy whatever i have been doing to them, and i only have one starting to poke its head out now...
Yellow cayenne seems to be the most vigorous as of yet, with Bhut's not far behind...
I went half and half with the germinating, half in plastic bags in wet paper towels, and the other half just covered by a small layer of sieved soil... (I left them a bit late but its OK because i have them inside now.





Does anyone have any advice or anything that may help me on my inaugural growing expedition?

Cheers :)
I'm no expert, but it looks to me as if the soil may be too wet.
Good luck with the season -- sounds like you will have plenty of heat with these peppers!
right. Its been quite some time since i logged on here last, but i have some new pictures today!

Pity is, now i dont know what is what, so it should be interesting to see what i get!


