Tomorrow is a manufacturing day!

kinda nervous about it...gonna try to make Black Label. Might come out great!

Or it might suck!

Stay tuned...I'll know in about 3-4 days if I've made my 4th product or a complete mess that will then need to be redone.

At least the label is pretty cool? :cheers:

And even if it's right it'll be sequestered until the state of CA releases it. Which could take up to 6 weeks. Yay?

Because they do.

There's independent testing, state testing & comparison of the 2.

It's typically 3 weeks, but last time the state lost te sample and there was a holiday weekend and...sigh. It took 6 weeks.
It's about shower-o'clock. Then it's beer:30.

Man - up since 4. I want to speed up time so I can taste the Black Label, but alas, not possible. So I'll shower, walk the pup then beer...maybe by my 2nd beer I'll crack one of the 2 bottles I sneaked out. (shhhh)