contest Tomorrow's secret ingredient is...

The Hot Pepper


Tomorrow's Throwdown must consist of one beverage (alcoholic or non) and one meal, both using mango as an ingredient (not garnish).

Full rules tomorrow.

Go shopping!
A freaking mango dude! Come on! :lol:

If it was that pepper called the mango pepper I would have said.

That post is classic PMD... er PF. :lol:
Crap. I'm allergic to mango's. I was using a little bit in some mango hab I used to make but even that got to be too much. Looks like I'm out of this one.
Too bad TB.

Make it for Mrs. Blues. said:
A freaking mango dude! Come on! :lol:

If it was that pepper called the mango pepper I would have said.

That post is classic PMD... er PF. :lol:

Hehehehe :rofl:

No boss, if that was a classic PMD post it would have been like this:

Mango, like the green pepper or mango like the relative to the orange? I really hope its the green pepper cause I hace a good dr.pepper sauce that goes well with green peppers.

WOOHOO! TB IS OUT! Now the rest of us muddling fools stand a chance!

OH!... I mean........Bummer, TB! I'm really SAD to hear about your bad reactions to mango.

BUT SERIOUSLY, TB- I'm just jesting with ya. I suppose all our vegetarian friends are feeling the same way when it's a steak throwdown. Now they are saying WOOHOO!

Now, mango as an entree.................... HMMMMMMmmmmmmm>>>>>
Full rules tomorrow, but the meal of course, spicy, the drink can be to cool the tongue. Mango lassi anyone??! Damn, giving out tips already. ;)
Novacastrian said:
Sounds interesting, i love me some Mango.
Throwdowns have their own Sub-forum! COOL!
god i love mangos, but unfortunately I will be at a car show all saturday and sunday, and I work friday night until 12am or past, so I might have to count this one out


if JayT is available sunday, then I will be going over there and we will make 2 separate dishes consisting of Mango as long as its after the award hand out at the show, because I plan on taking first place for the Acura class
Woohoo! i thought i was gonna miss the throwdown. but here i am, perfect timing for it. i just hope i will have time to get my dish in if i make it. gonna have tothink of some ideas. :)