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Tom's Butch Brain? Brain Scorp?

I'm not sure if this will end up being something special, but it really does look neat. About a year or so ago when Butch Ts were still the hottest pepper, I already loved the Brain Strain for heat and flavor. So far the Brains are the hottest I have. I put some Butch T Scorpion pollen on some Brain Strain flowers just to see if I could get something hotter than the brain and hopefully, put a tail on a Brain Strain pepper, I guess mainly for looks. Doesn't any pepper just seem hotter if it has a tail? I held onto the seeds for a while and after over wintering the smaller plants, they are producing for the first time now. Some don't look special but still might be good peppers, but this plant stood out over the rest. We will be testing it for heat at hot pepper night this Monday. Thought you might like to see a picture. If I really like this one, I may be using this particular plant for the next generation. Tom

Mega, I guess my photography sucks. That pepper has all kinds of bumpy things all over it and the other do too. I guess the flash makes it shine enough that you can't see the bumps in the picture.
Prehensile, very interesting, you got one with a perfect long tail on it and you didn't have to cross it with anything. I'm not sure if this will be an improvement or not. I also find it interesting that you have found that Morugas have a longer lasting burn than the brains. I have to do more tests. I think that could be a good thread, I don't think I have seen that subject come up any time recently. Thanks for the idea. Tom
cycadjungle said:
I'm not sure if this will end up being something special, but it really does look neat. About a year or so ago when Butch Ts were still the hottest pepper, I already loved the Brain Strain for heat and flavor. So far the Brains are the hottest I have. I put some Butch T Scorpion pollen on some Brain Strain flowers just to see if I could get something hotter than the brain and hopefully, put a tail on a Brain Strain pepper, I guess mainly for looks. Doesn't any pepper just seem hotter if it has a tail? I held onto the seeds for a while and after over wintering the smaller plants, they are producing for the first time now. Some don't look special but still might be good peppers, but this plant stood out over the rest. We will be testing it for heat at hot pepper night this Monday. Thought you might like to see a picture. If I really like this one, I may be using this particular plant for the next generation. Tom

. Unless you took the pollen anthers off the brain strain flowers before they dropped any pollen you can't be sure you have crossed anything with anything unfortunately.
Trippa said:
Trippa, on 25 May 2013 - 07:42 AM, said:
. Unless you took the pollen anthers off the brain strain flowers before they dropped any pollen you can't be sure you have crossed anything with anything unfortunately.
You are right, I won't know for sure. I'm not going to try and market it for any reason, it was mainly just for fun and see what I could come up with. I'm not expecting any special taste that is so good it needs to be made a big deal of or anything, but it does look bad ass, which is what I was going for. Can't wait to show it off for hot pepper night this Monday.
I got a Trinidad Scorpion and a Bhut cross last year, only 1 plant, I marked em and germinated 12 or so seeds.  The new plants TSM1 F2 are just starting to blossom.
Prehensile said:
Prehensile, on 25 May 2013 - 5:38 PM, said:
I got a Trinidad Scorpion and a Bhut cross last year, only 1 plant, I marked em and germinated 12 or so seeds. The new plants TSM1 F2 are just starting to blossom.
It would be interesting to see what shape the pods end up being. I could handle the heat of the scorpion with more of the taste of the Bhut. With one plant though, you will get what you get. Show us some pods in a couple of months!