food Tongue Twister Crepes


French style crepes, brushed with butter, dusted with powdered sugar, smothered in Tongue Wrapper by Knepper's Peppers, plate dribbled with blueberries and a nice dollop of whipped cream. (I added a lite shaking of chipotle to the crepe mix and it really came through at the end, adding just a hint of smokiness to the tart blueberries) DELICIOUS
Haha. TB booed you. What's in the crepes? Are they just rolled up with nothing? Boo!

Tough crowd.
I whipped them up real quick. I wanted to try out Knepper's Peppers Tongue twister on seemed only logical lol. So they are just homemade french crepes with a dash of chipotle in the mix. I didn't fill them with anything. they are empty..................................hahahaha..(tough crowd) oh well..this is just a quick teaser. The TW went so welll....omg it was delicious the way it was. Anything can always be better though
Thanks for the input.
How do you make crepes with no filling? Is that even possible? I mean I thought they had to be filled to be crepes. Anyway, I love the Tongue Wrapper sauce and that looks like a good way to use it.
How do you make crepes with no filling? Is that even possible? I mean I thought they had to be filled to be crepes. Anyway, I love the Tongue Wrapper sauce and that looks like a good way to use it.

No...there's no filling required to be considered a crepe (or a blintz for that matter) It is common place to fill either or with cheese sauce or fruit. I chose to top my crepes with fruit and sauce instead of stuff them. Either way they are delicious and I wasn't looking to win any awards. Just wanted to show what you could do with some Tongue Wrapper and about 15 minutes of your time.
Okay, so for all of you purists I've reassembled the recipe. You wanted stuffed......I give you stuffed. You wanted home made ingredients...I give you......home made ingredients. No i didn't grow the apples, or harvest my non existent nut tree....but I did make everything from scratch. Enjoy
Blackberries, blueberries and cinnamon covered apples.....oh and a fresh fatali pepper.

Makin the sauce baby, don't forget about two TBS of Tongue Wrapper

twisted and turned into a delectable sauce.

filling the crepes with the Tongue Wrapper fruit filling

now to make the Maple peanut reduction sauce

adding pecans to my reduction

Topped with sauce, powdered sugar and a little whip....('s ready whip...


Grab fork and enjoy