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Too late to start?

SE Virginia is more forgiving than SW, we're about a zone 5 or 6 here I imagine you're a zone 7 or 8? This weather has been insanity though, I don't know what zone I'm in anymore. Right now I have a number of seedlings (too many of course) under a grow light in a warm closet and in the basement I have a southern exposure window where the bigger plants are relaxing in cooler temps... being somewhat hardened off, at least exposed to the natural UV.

My problem is that the weather is sporadic. The sea brings in all sorts of crazy weather, lol. One day it was 80 degrees during the day and the next day it dropped to the 60s and then to the 40s. Today was 65 and tomorrow is suppose to be in the 70s but on sat. it's suppose to be in the 40s.

The nights are now settling into the mid 50' to low 60's, and the days are in the mid 70's to right around 80. I've moved some plants back to the garage if we get a freak cold front come through, but I'm just going for it this year. My plants do much better in the Louisiana sun than they do under my lights, so I get them out as early as I can and let them go. Its worked for me so far.

Ahh, I'm jealous of Louisiana's weather. Must be a good place to grow chiles!
What I run up against is the intense heat starting in early to mid June--At that point my plants must be well-established in the ground, or they won't survive the hostile environment of my garden. That means mid May or so for the very latest plant-out, so giving 8 weeks or so before that time to grow healthy transplants puts me at March 15 for the last sowing date. There you go Dan and Charles!
What I run up against is the intense heat starting in early to mid June--At that point my plants must be well-established in the ground, or they won't survive the hostile environment of my garden. That means mid May or so for the very latest plant-out, so giving 8 weeks or so before that time to grow healthy transplants puts me at March 15 for the last sowing date. There you go Dan and Charles!

I run into that as well. I'm in the Ruston area. I do almost all of mine in pots so I can move them as needed. When I move some more out shortly they'll stay in full sun all day long, but as we start to warm up I move most of my plants onto my patio where there is some shade and they get a break of some of the intense sunlight in the afternoon.
I got a late start this year. Just planted the chinenses a few days ago. I usually try to start them in February. I'm planting most stuff in 5 gallon buckets this year since I just found a neverending supply of them for free. I also picked up a pair of HPS grow lights so worst case scenario is I bring a few of my favorites indoors in the fall and continue growing them under lights.
I have a March 15th cut-off date for starting new varieties but I will probably keep putting in late starts because I'm a dumbass. . .

Hey, you're confusing addiction with stupidity. :rofl:

As slow as my chinenses were to germinate, I'd say it's probably too late for me here (mid - late May last frost).

I did plant a couple of annuum seeds today, but I justified it with the fact that there were a couple of no shows in the annuum tray.

I'm officially done, but like Redtail, that doesn't mean I won't keep planting!
I run into that as well. I'm in the Ruston area. I do almost all of mine in pots so I can move them as needed. When I move some more out shortly they'll stay in full sun all day long, but as we start to warm up I move most of my plants onto my patio where there is some shade and they get a break of some of the intense sunlight in the afternoon.

Welcome to THP! It's good to have another N LA grower. Good luck with your grow this year!

Are you at LA Tech?
I live in zone 9.... I think .. I started a bunch of ghost peppers back in december and regret not growing more varities. So, today im going to sow 10 seeds. 3 tepins, 2 Butch T, 3 choc habanero and 2 douglah 7 pod and hope for the best. I know its a bit late but its good for learning experience.