plant-care Too much sun/heat?

Been going through some pretty hot sunny days here in Northern Virginia.  Some of my plants look pretty pathetic at high noon, like this one:

But it always seems to bounce back.  It looked like this a few hours later after a shower (I also moved it):

So my question is whether I am taking chances with it wilting too much.  Am I over stressing it?
I live in a portion of southern california that gets pretty hot and the majority of my plants only get sun til around 1:30. I also have plants that get shade during the hottest part of the day. If you can find a location that gives them a couple hours of shade during the hottest part of the day your plants will thank you. People say "full sun" but that doesnt always apply to every situation. Give them a little shade at peak hours and they'll be much happier.
Edmick said:
I live in a portion of southern california that gets pretty hot and the majority of my plants only get sun til around 1:30. I also have plants that get shade during the hottest part of the day. If you can find a location that gives them a couple hours of shade during the hottest part of the day your plants will thank you. People say "full sun" but that doesnt always apply to every situation. Give them a little shade at peak hours and they'll be much happier.
+ 1   :party:
Yea, a touch of mid-day ~> afternoon shade would be good.
As would dropping them into a bigger pot, or placing a tray of water beneath.  (Assuming you have drain holes in the buckets, get a kiddy swimming pool - fill with an inch of water and place pots inside.  Problem likely solved!)
IMO, the actual wilting is fairly stressful for the plant.  You can bet that it won't be growing (as it should be!) when do desperately dehydrated.  I also get the impression that a wilted plant takes several days to "feel better" and fully recover.
It was 108F here yesterday. I had to play "musical pots" to keep them in enough shade plus 3 semi light waterings. Ground plot did ok with a heavy soaking early but a shade cloth would be a huge help.
Thanks for the advice.  I am pretty sure water is not a problem as most of my plants are in self-watering 5 gallon double buckets.  Will try to move them around a bit.  The problem is, I'm very lazy, hence the self-watering system.  :D