sun Too much sun?

as long as they are well rooted and get enough water, you will have no problems. i have peppers that get full sun, literally, no shade, probably 10 hrs a day during the summer. they are just fine. they may wilt, but that's not gonna hurt em. just give them a drink and they'll pop right back up. 
i live in florida, btw. the temps are 87-90 right now. 
In my experience there is such a thing as too much sun here in SoCal. The leaves on chinenses will be smaller and thicker, a bit yellow and little waxy looking.
My plants are in pots, I pull my plants from the sun when they wilt and place them in the shade and water them, when they perk back up I usually put em right back out in the sun
Guess its debatable, depending on your zone, the Midwest would have a completly different spectrum of light, than closer to the equator, your UV levels will vary depending on many factors, region, time of season, even altitude

The sun emits 10, 000 lumens per square foot, even a 1, 000 watt halide cant touch that, my light meter can peg max in the shade outside, and 1 foot away from my 1k hps light, there is a reason comercial growers use levels of shade cloth
You'll be alright in VA in full sun all day. You'd also do alright with 6 or more hours if you're leaning toward a shady spot. Best "shade" for you would actually be filtered sun like through a shade cloth, lattice or tree during mid day with direct morning and later in the won't get too much there though. 
Last June Virginia, had nine days of over 100 degree heat. My plants wilted, were watered and they perked right back up. It's a good way to "stress" the plant for hotter heat levels, the plants are very hardy. I was just wondering about an optimal about of sun.
I'm in south florida and 6 hours of full sun is way too strong for my habanero plant, but my red bhut and datil sprouts are doing really good with 4 hours of sun a day
As I stated in another post about too much sun, the Ghost pepper is native to India so I don't think it will get too much sun here in the U.S.
Habaneros as well, they are native to Mexico and South America both very hot places.
Now if you lived in Iraq I might say yes it can get too hot but I don't think that is possible in most places in this country.

This row of plants gets over 12 hours of Southern California sun...July through September almost everyday will be over 100. It's already hot...look at my dead grass!!! All I have to do is change the water schedule to keep up with the desert heat. Right now it runs 7 minutes every morning, by August it will be running 7 minutes every 6 hours and the plants may slow production a little, but still be rocking...
Here is a harvest from last August/September time frame all from plants with full sun all day:

You'll be fine in VA with 6+ hours of sun, you're much farther north than me...and it's nowhere near as hot.  I used to live in Stafford Va, where you at?
stc3248 said:

This row of plants gets over 12 hours of Southern California sun...July through September almost everyday will be over 100. It's already hot...look at my dead grass!!! All I have to do is change the water schedule to keep up with the desert heat. Right now it runs 7 minutes every morning, by August it will be running 7 minutes every 6 hours and the plants may slow production a little, but still be rocking...
Awesome set up.  Is that a special hose or did you put that together yourself?
Just a standard 1/2" drip line with 1/4" lines running to the containers. I put it together. Not terribly hard. 