Took the first step

Standard white bread/bread machine recipe. Just dice up 3-4 roasted peppers and drop them in the water when your adding the stuff to the machine.
Without a bread machine, I'd add them in during the kneading process.
Being roasted, yellow, and diced, they basically can't be seen. They just add a nice chile flavor with a touch of heat.
Out of the 50 -100 seeds I have in wet paper, it looks like 5-10 have tails.
I looked at them this morning before work. So I didn't have time to do anything with them even if I wanted to.
Will buy germination soil after work, and plant the ones that have started. Think I'll seal the bags back up after that and give the others a chance to do their thing.
Will put 15 or 30 in soil.
1/2 that into larger pots.
Finish with 2-4 in ground, or big planters.
Seeds were free, so right now I'm just seeing if any will grow.
This is my first ever grow, so I want to make sure I have enough plants to survive my mistakes.
Dude you're gonna have yellow peppers out the yang. Honestly its not all that hard and i got your back. Pm me and I'll set you up with seeds for a sweet ass grow.
smileyguy697 said:
Dude you're gonna have yellow peppers out the yang. Honestly its not all that hard and i got your back. Pm me and I'll set you up with seeds for a sweet ass grow.
You're saying a couple plants will produce too many peppers?
I'm hoping for 600-700 pods for the season.
Idk about that specific breed of pepper but yes.. If you plant a hundred plants you're going to have thoudands of pods. My bigest primo pumped at least a hundred pods every 2 or 3 weeks. I had 20 big plants and had a picnic table half full of pods every 3 or 4 days. I'm not saying don't go for it.. just that would share and you could grow varieties and have plenty of each. Lol... any other takers on this one?
My "yellow peppers" what ever they may be...
Turn orange.
I bought some last weekend, and when I went to use them last night there were three pods that had turned a very habonero'y orange.
NONE of the seeds germinated.
I'm going to try again this week.
This time, I'm not going to germinate them in paper, they're going straight into the dirt.
Well actually, some are going into a growing tray I picked up cheap, and others are going into germinating soil.
Going to also do some pablano seeds.
Fresh seeds don't need to be exsposed to water as much to make them pop open. Being an annum, and the amount of seeds you are sowing, I think just about any method will work. It just takes a little patience. In no time at all you will be very,very busy managing alot of plants.
I don't think those peppers look ripe. It might be hard to get good seeds from them. I wish you luck. I've had a hard time with a variety they sell over here I want to grow not being ripe enough.