One of my Little Elf Seedlings is starting to look like it is this too much nitrogen?

AlabamaJack said:Pam quote:
What are you growing in? That doesn't look like toxicity as much as it looks like a deficiency.
Am growing in miracle grow potting soil that has tomato/pepper seedling fertilize mixed in from
That was my thought too but its strange that its only the one plant. The leaves look dark green so they must be getting plenty of nitrogen, likely too much.Pam said:Ok, hazarding a guess...something in the Miracle Grow and fertilizer combo is preventing uptake of one of the micro-nutrients. You don't need to water with distilled water, and what you're seeing does not look like over watering to me.
AlabamaJack said:You know what...I got busy before I left for the holidays, just put the pots in a tray of water 1.5" deep, left them in the germinator and here is what the "yellow" leaf pepper looks like now.
It sure looks healthy and is 12 inches tall (from the soil)