pruning Topping and Pruning Help

Dulac said:
The plant is absolutely perfect. Good genes I think. It's in pristine condition(no leaves dropped, diseased, or got damaged). The main stem looks very sturdy and woody at the base.The only issue with it is the plant is too wide for the light source. It's ok though, I'm putting it outside today :) . I have good airflow, since I cannot stand not having a fan going despite the temperature. 
I plan to put c. galapagoense in there after I move the plants out. The others are also doing well but are much younger. I wouldn't top that species since I would be worried it'd send it in shock. I've never topped any of my wilds.
Hey Dolac.  Just want to be sure you realize I was talking to Cartierusm about his plants, not about yours.  I quoted you to simply to say I generally agree with your statement, i.e., "I'm against topping and pruning unless there is spacial concern."  I wasn't trying to give you unsolicited advice  :)
Glad your plants are doing well - that's great!  I'm growing C. Galapagoense this year and enjoying it.
I can see how it looked like that, but I try to avoid giving unsolicited advice - though I suppose I fail every now and then  ;)
My early annuum are just now staring to set pods and it seemed to me they were only a touch ahead of your cayenne.  Hope you see some pods soon!
Plants are going nuts. Cayenne has many flowers and some have fallen off, I assume that's normal.


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I don't do hydropinics other than starting plants then into self watering 5 gallon buckets.  Once the buds start to appear I am a fan if misting with epsom salt solution every other week. I use 1 table spoon per galon then put in a spray bottle and mist the leaves top and bottom. Seems to help se the buds and give the plant a quick shot of minerals where they need it.
Ok so my plants looked awesome. Dark green, the whole works. I changed the solution yesterday and since most of the plants are flowering or already have baby peppers on them I decided to use the early bloom suggested ratios from General Hydro. Now the leaves look yellowish. Should I switch back to the ratios that the plants clearly loved? For peppers does it matter if they have the 'bloom' ratios suggested by GH?
First pic from 4/14, then changed the nute ratios yesterday, and the pic from today 4/24.


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I'm not a hydro guy, but I'd stick with what works. To my understanding, changing nutes for production isn't needed - or even necessarily advisable.  Particularly backing off on N.
That look can also be caused by getting a bit too close to the lights, especially with LED's.
You definitely have a jungle going there!
Mos Def on the jungle, but they've been that far from the lights for at least a few weeks so I doubt it's that. I mean it's so fascinating, but serioulsy yesterday they were lush green and then, change nutes and bam sickly.
Thanks. I think I'll change it back.
Cartierusm said:
So just checking, but you all are saying to not prune any leaves off? I'm fine with that just want reassurance. It's quite bushy.
You'll get a lot of opinions around here.  Here's mine!   :P
Top once, twice if you must. Don't go whacking off huge chunks of the plant. Just do the 'FIM' trim of the very top Y.  This should be enough to 'convince' the plant to grow more lower leaves.
Never strip a plant.  Those big, gorgeous leaves you are senselessly butchering cost the plant a lot of resources to produce, and will cost even more resources to regrow.  And in the meantime, they won't be around to do what they're supposed to do - produce energy for the plant.  Even old, dying leaves can should be left alone for as long as you can stand it. Some of the minerals within are mobile, and the plant can 'salvage' them to use elsewhere. 
Ok, need advice. It's getting bloody crowded in there. I don't mind removing some plants to give the others a better chance. They are all happy, but super crowded.
1. Should I remove some plants to give the others room?
2. My Large Cayenne has some peppers starting to turn red. Generally how long does it take to get all red? Just looking for a general number, like 2 days or two weeks kind of thing.


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