• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Total noob Glog

Welcome to my rather lame Glog!!


My list of currently growing

Basket of Fire ornamental
Mystery Plants x5
Lemon Drop

On order from Cross Country Nursery(couldn't resist the 40% off sale...hehe)
7 Pot Yellow
2x Fatalii
White Habanero
Mucho Nacho Jalapeno Hybrid
2x Scotch Bonnet Yellow
Thai Giant
Thai Yellow
Tobago Seasoning.

Just noticed that most of what I ordered is yellow...lol,

This was my first year trying to grow anything. These were started indoors around early Feb in jiffy pellets with a heat mat, then transferred to plastic cups under a normal fluorescent shop light. The plants grew a bit leggy(some more than others) and some of them outgrew their shelf space two months before the last frost(Mid May in zone 5b). They were put outside in May in bigger pots, hardened off on the porch in the shade, and given their first dose(or overdose) of fertilizer.

This is the Basket of Fire with loads of flowers on a tiny plant. The fruits that ripened indoors were bitter and not all that hot, the ones ripened outdoors were edible with more heat, but nothing really that special



This is a Datil plant from eBay(I know I know). I broke the main stem off at the top by dropping something on it and it recovered very quickly


This is the Lemon Drop from the same eBay seller


And now onto the Mystery Plants!!!

These mixed seeds were recieved via SASBE from ajijoe. I have no idea what any of them are

This is the plant that I've posted before that had burned leaves from too much fertilizer. I removed most of the spotted/burnt leaves, started watering all of the plants less often, and I'm not going to give it any more fert. It seems to have perked up a bit athough still not in the greatest health and it has even gotten some flower buds.


This one has black pods/ white and purple flowers. This one has had zero problems growing



This one was from a seed still attached to a piece of pod in the bag. That piece of pod was the hottest thing I've ever eaten lol. I saw SLUG TRAILS on this plant recently. Took the salt out one night and got about twenty of them.


Mystery plant #4 has been leaning to the side, although it has the thickest stem out of all of them. Those are dirt spots on the leaves

And the last one, a sad purple leafed plant that has never done very well. It got repotted this morning, but I don't know how much that will help it. http://thehotpepper....her-sick-plant/

One of the plants has some distorted looking new growth, but I've never seen an aphid. Can't remember which one it was.

I've got a whole bunch of 5gal root pouches coming tomorrow for the whole lot of them, it seems like they all could use a bit more space..
The plants look, good Jessica. I think you are off and running.
Those root pouches will spur them into overdrive! Good Luck
with your transplanting and growing.
Looking great so far, and they will definitely grow well once they have the chance to spread their legs in bigger pots. Good luck with the transplant!
No package of root pouches in the mail today. FedEx decided to take the scenic route through Kentucky. But I did pick up two compressed bales of Pro-Mix today
I got some 7-gallon root pouches to try out. We'll have to compare notes this summer.
I think I'm going to put some super-hots in them, or maybe a couple of habs. I also
have some Goat's Weed, Tepin 15 and a Tepin cross from Shane that I'm thinking
about for them. I only have 10 root pouches, one 10-gallon container, one 7-gallon,
two 5's, and a slug of 2's. So, I'm getting close to being done transplanting! Two bales
of Pro-Mix. Way to go. how many cu. ft. in a bale?
Great looking plants Jessica! I am so used to seeing Minecraft at home with my kids, but not on THP. Nice list of varieties you have. Hope you have a great season. You are already using Pro mix so you will be doing well in no time.

No pictures today, but the eBay lemon drop plant and three more of the mysteries have flowers now. The lemon drop has the correct flower(baccatums have yellow on the flower, right?), so I'm pretty sure it will turn out to be true. The root pouches haven't come yet, FedEx seems to take a longer, more roundabout path than UPS or USPS.

I found 5 slugs in the exact same spot in my newly weeded and planted hosta/heuchera bed. Thems be dead slugs now
Lol. Here you go
Doggies x4(the only group pic I have on this computer...and the harlequin great dane(white w/black splotches) was 8 months old in this pic


Left to right: Tucker(11 years old, australian shepherd), Maggie(8 years, great dane), Mojo(8 months in pic, great dane), Bosco(rhodesian ridgeback/great dane mix, 9 years)
Transplant Time!


The first plant transplanted is: Mystery Plant #1!

Roots of Mystery #1

Mystery #1 after transplant. It lost a flower that was starting to make a pod in the process


Next up is Mystery #3

Mystery #3's roots


Mystery #3 after transplant


Transplant #3 is Datil

Datil's roots

Datil after transplant. This one was harder to get out of the pot than the others, and I tied a stake to it because it's stem got all floppy


Lemon drop was next. This was by far the hardest to get out of the pot(actually the only ones I had any trouble with were the two eBay ones..weaker stems on them) I broke off three branches and over half of its rootball. It also had the same floppy stem problem that the datil has and I staked it too


Mystery Number two's turn

Root's of mystery #2

Mystery #2 after transplant
Continued (was having a bit of trouble with the combined posts/10 picture limit thingy)

Mystery #2's pods(has about twenty pods set)

Last was mystery four

Mystery #4's roots

Mystery #4 after transplant. This one is starting to form a bunch of pods

Group Hug

Mystery #5 (aka almost dead purple) looked worse than ever, it's leaves looked very sunburnt and the plant is shriveled up more (perhaps attributed to its new black pot, combined with its dark leaves). It is putting out new growth along its stem, so I plucked the ugly leaves and popped it on the back porch in part shade with a bunch of excess potted ornamental plants

Also, I really have no idea why the plants I grew from seed had much stronger stems than the eBay plants, I never used a fan on them, and supposedly the ebay ones are only two weeks younger than mine(and are about the same size). All of the plants have flowers now except for eBay Datil.
Your plants look great in the root pouches, Jessica.
You are going to have a great summer season!

I need to mix up some soil so I can try out the root pouches!

Good growin' to you!
Mystery #2 and Mystery #4 were ripped to shreds. I started training the dane puppy not to touch them yesterday, and he was doing really good. But this morning my dad left him in the yard UNATTENDED and yep there you go. I told him specifically to let me go out there with him this morning. There is a stem with bit of the roots from mystery two, and a stem with a pod(no roots) from mystery #4. Have them sitting in a bowl of water right now and don't know where to go from here
Photos of the ripped/eaten plants

Mystery #2


Mystery #4


I removed the leaves of this one and appiled rooting powder. Hopefully it does something

New Plants from CCN




After one day and a half of sitting in the shade, I tried putting them out overnight. When I saw them around ten this morning, I guess about 4 hours of morning sun, they did NOT like it one bit, so I put them back on the porch. From today until next Friday it will be over 90 outside, so I'm not quite sure how to go about getting them acclimated. Also, its only rained twice since the first of May, my ornamentals are suffering and the city wants us to conserve water, lol.

The lemon drop I broke the rootball of seems to droop quite a bit, even with wet soil, I'm not quite sure what to do with it. It's dirt was spilled a bit when the plant shredding was going on, but the plant wasn't touched. A bit of regular, unsterilized dusty dirt got mixed in with it's soil, but I don't think that will cause problems
Jessica the ideal method is to start out by going one hour the first day. Two hours the second and so on. But if you work like me just grow them in the shade till they have a big enough root system to tolerate the extreme heat. Try to get indirect sun or build a shade cloth.