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Total noob,please advise...

Greetings from Greece fellow capsaicin addicts!I've never grown anything before and this year I decided to deal with hot peppers.At first things went quite smooth but now I have some questions as I really don't know what to do regarding the following matters...
One of my plants(thai bird's eye but obviously mislabeled,probably cayenne) is turning very light green,in fact yellow.Is it some nutrient deficiency problem?


What about the slight yellowing on this trinidad scorpion?

Is this because of aphids?My plants have unwanted visitors and I'm trying to deal with them...

And finally,one of my bhuts is also light green and I think it's growth has stopped.Take a look,the difference is quite obvious.

Any help would be trully appreciated.
Are you overwatering your plants? Let them dry out between waterings. When their soil is dry, water them the following day by watering until water comes out the bottom of the pot. Are you overfertilizing them? If so, try fertilizing them at a lower dose less often than you are currently.
Soon, you will be wanting to transplant into larger pots or buckets with lots of drainage holes drilled in them. Yours look like they are in 1gallon pots.
I always check the soil's humidity and then water,of course it took some trial and error until right.10 days ago was the first and at the moment the only time I used some seaweed stuff the guy from the local nursery suggested.As for the pot size...the pics definitely trick the eye.Bhuts are in 23lt pots(6gallon),the birseye/cayenne in15lt(4gallon) and the trinidad scorpions in some plastic barrels which in fact are as big as the 6 gallon pots,if not bigger.All of the pots have drainage holes...
The torn and burnt leaf edges does not look like aphids. Could be Nitrogen burn combined with some heat stress, but there are other ways to get damage like that.
The trinidad looks fine, maybe give it a very light dose of ferts at the next watering and see if the new growth starts to darken up. Be sure to allow plenty of time to see any change, at least a week.
Are you watering everything at the same time? Hard to figure why only 1 or 2 plants are struggling if they are all treated the same.
Pic 1& 2over watering. See how the leaves are drooping? Pic 3, maybe a nutrient issue. The leaves look nice and perky otherwise. Pic 4, heat damage. Pic 5, pot up to a larger size, something not clay. They tend to wick moisture away from the plant. Couldn't hurt! Hope this helps, and good luck with the grow!

You also might want to consider switching to a compost based soil. That soil looks pretty dense and sandy
Better dirt, less water, and fewer ferts--if using any.
I have 2 cayenne's doing the same, but they have done since sprouting, and among a load of green pepper plants.
I figure they just want something different than the other peppers---I'll worry about that next year if I decide to grow them again.
Some supers take-------- f o r e v e r.
Fairly common to hear people growing super hots that have no pods the first year.
A couple days reading through the glogs and questions should provide all the knowlege to grow a good crop.
I haven't checked the soil's pH and didn't add anything to the soil other than the seaweed.
Heat stress seem more probable now that I'm thinking it.I was out of town for almost a week and the scorpions were under full sun the whole time.It's been quite hot the previous week or two.I told my uncle to take care of my plants while I was away,that also might explain the probable overwatering problem,he might went over the top with it.
Watering schedule is not stable,some plants stay in the sun longer because I move the pots quite often,it gets windy around here,so I have to protect them.
I will repot the bhut and see how it goes.As for the soil..I was almost out of it and mixed compost with dirt from my garden because I was impatient and couldn't wait for 2 days in order to buy proper soil.I HAD to repot THAT day.I guess it was a dumb thing to do,I used it in only 2-3 pots(scorpions):-(
Overall I think you are doing great. Most of your plants look very robust, and even the ones with issues are not really that bad. A few tweaks and you will be rolling in pods. Keep it up!
Nah, not a "dumb" thing to do. Just a necessary one at the time! Dumb is what I did.... sprayed down a whole tray of seedlings with epsom salt water in the sun.... and killed every single one of them! lol. Good luck, and enjoy growing!
Peppers are very forgiving.
Broke the top off a primo while transplanting.
Wind took off the rest of the greenery the next day.
Nothing left but a bare stick in the dirt.
Given no special attention or heroic life saving methods, it is now green all over.
Massive aphid war last year.
Tried every home made concoction to no avail.
Almost killed them all. (peppers)
Over mixed pyretherin and sprayed every plant till soaked.
Killed every last aphid and most of the leaves on every plant.
I have 4 of them outside in pots as overwinters and they are thriving.
A little clay dirt, some sunburn, some overwatering-----they will bounce back.
Yeah.. i agree that it looks as though your problem is probably caused by the quality of the soil.  That looks like straight clay.  The soil from your garden, even if rich in O horizon, will still contain too high of a clay content for potting... this is because clay holds too much water... so the soil never dries out.  Also, is not porous enough to allow for aeration.  While your plants will do well when planted into such soil in the ground, the walls of containers prevent the 'wicking'/'sponge-ing' effect that drains/dries/aerates the soil.  Also, containers do not host as much life (worms/insects) that help in the spongification.  

Does the soil dry out rapidly on the top and remain heavy on the bottom?
Noah Yates said:
Does the soil dry out rapidly on the top and remain heavy on the bottom?
This is exactly what's happening.Repoting then....and go easy on the water.
Thanks for your input guys.