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seeds Translucent seedlings


So I am a little concerned. I am growing Ghost, 7 pot, Trindad, devils tounge and Giant Yellow Ghost. It seems my seedlings leaves (some of them) are becoming translucent. I have had them indoors to sprout and I started to move them out doors now since the weather has been getting better to harden the off to transplant. I was using a Jiffy setup with a couple grow lights I got from my local nursery. Any suggestions? I really do not want to lose these. So far a couple of the plants have died. Good news is I have another 50-60 plants but about 12 of them have the same symptoms. Thanks!!
umm :welcome: but im by far no expert but it could be several things like over watering, but could also be shock from moving them outdoors from indoors without slowly introducing them to the sun but im sure the experts here will answer your question better than me,
Edit: It might be fert burn. Have they been turning white? How much fert have you been giving them?
I have been using a 10-10-5 Liquid that I dilute the hell out of and have used it once a week. They were getting kind of leggy so I added more soil to them I have a fan on them as well. It started when I first moved them out doors and the rookie I am had them in direct sun. I ended up moving them in an area where the sun was filtered but still am where I am at. First year doing seeds so hopefully I can figure this out.
I have been using a 10-10-5 Liquid that I dilute the hell out of and have used it once a week. They were getting kind of leggy so I added more soil to them I have a fan on them as well. It started when I first moved them out doors and the rookie I am had them in direct sun. I ended up moving them in an area where the sun was filtered but still am where I am at. First year doing seeds so hopefully I can figure this out.

It's possible it's slightly sunburned. Hard to tell from the pics. I think it's either sunburn or fert burn. Both would cause the leaf to try to protect itself by folding up and cause discoloration.

Edit: I'd lean towards what you have changed (bringing em outdoors). Must of had too much sun. The fert didn't bother it before I assume. Just baby them back to health.

Edit again: I'd try bringing them outside again after the leaves straighten up. I'm not sure if the discoloration will go away.
So basically when I do bring them out, keep them in an area that has filtered light.....then gradually give them direct sun?? To be honest I am really annoyed since I live in Gilroy CA which is prime picking for good peppers due to the weather, but all growers just say "no way would we grow these". Its easy money for these guys and would help out a lot of us growers if they would just open their eyes. We shall see!!!!
So basically when I do bring them out, keep them in an area that has filtered light.....then gradually give them direct sun?? To be honest I am really annoyed since I live in Gilroy CA which is prime picking for good peppers due to the weather, but all growers just say "no way would we grow these". Its easy money for these guys and would help out a lot of us growers if they would just open their eyes. We shall see!!!!

There are some good guides on hardening that would give better advice than me. You will want to put them in the shade at first. It might be a little on the cold side at nights too. I'd bring em in at night just in case the temperature drops too much. The change in climate will stress out the plant.

Edit: Oh, and you should probably only do a few hours a day and increase the amount of time you put them out each day. They gotta get used to the wind too. Hopefully you have been fanning them.

Edit again: Don't know why I didn't realize this before. Your plants still look a bit young to put out imo.

So here are some updated pics. I have moved them into filtered light and layed off the heavy fert now. Starting to wtaer only every 4 days. Any advice or input? All super hots annd just the tomatoes are looking worse now. odd I would say.
That looks like some sunburn I had on a plant or two last year, but a little worse. Hardening off fixed for the most part, and new grow from here on should be fine.

At least that was my experience. Others can chime in in case I'm wrong...
Yeah, that looks like sunburn. If I were you, I would keep them inside until they grow new leaves. Honestly, I think they are a bit young to be going out so soon.
Definitely sundburn. Not much you can do for the burnt leaves. They will most likely dry up and crumble away. When you harden peppers off it has to be done in stages. I start out showing my plants about 20-30 minutes of direct sun. That's it for the first day. Then gradually up the time. It will be at least a week before they're getting much more than 90 minutes. After that you can start increasing the time in larger increments and by the end of two weeks they should be able to take on all the sun you can throw at them.

For now relax on the nutrients and just give them plenty of a good water. If you're using tap water let it sit out for about 24hrs to burn off the chlorine.