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seeds Transplant seedlings into 6" containers, or directly into 4gal?

Another question, oh pepper gurus! :)

It's a great afternoon for transplanting seedlings here. The plants came in tiny little 2.5" square pots. I can either put them into 6" round pots and then later transplant into 4 gallon containers, or just put them directly into 4 gallon containers now.

Is there any harm or disadvantage (other than taking up more space) to putting them directly into their final container size?

- Eric
I had enough plants this year so I've done both 1 gal containers and big terra cotta pots. The ones in the 1 gal containers are my back ups but let me tell you they look the best. I think they are forming the nicer root ball of the two methods. I've heard it said before spread you plants around and don't grow them all the same way and see which works best.
DrHavanger said:
either way will be ok

Cool, I used large containers. One less transplant later.

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I had enough plants this year so I've done both 1 gal containers and big terra cotta pots. The ones in the 1 gal containers are my back ups but let me tell you they look the best. I think they are forming the nicer root ball of the two methods. I've heard it said before spread you plants around and don't grow them all the same way and see which works best.

I hear ya. I planted two plants this year in white pots, mainly because I was short a black pot, but also because I'm curious to see how that affects the plant in the hot Texas sun. :)
elequin said:
Another question, oh pepper gurus! :)

It's a great afternoon for transplanting seedlings here. The plants came in tiny little 2.5" square pots. I can either put them into 6" round pots and then later transplant into 4 gallon containers, or just put them directly into 4 gallon containers now.

Is there any harm or disadvantage (other than taking up more space) to putting them directly into their final container size?

- Eric
I'm facing the same problem. I can't move the plants outside for three weeks and I simply don't have the room to put them in 5 gallon containers. My solution, for the time being, is to leave them in the 9 oz. cups and water as often as necessary. Yes, they are approaching root-bound stage, but his isn't bad. Last year, I stuck plants in the ground that had zero amount of potting soil falling off the roots, and they did great. I was able to do this with some tobacco plants that were root-bound when I got them. Yep, had to keep them in the shade and water at least every other day.

Now for the pics! Sorry for the intense background blur, I had my f/1.8 lens on..


Ready to go:

I got these for free at my local nursery, since I bought the soil there:


Left to right:
1 Gold Spike, 2 Mustard Habanero, 2 Yellow Sun (in white pots), 2 Scotch Bonnet, 3 Bhut Jolokia, 2 Devil's Tongue, 2 Fatalii

My back actually hurts a little, I can't imagine what AJ has to go through! heh
Lookin' good Elequin...I haven't finished transplanting yet...have 150 in pots and got 85 more to go...
I don't envy you with the transplanting AJ. I've just done around 12 plants and it's taken me ages, half the time was chasing the dog after running off with the pots and now I think my labels are slighty muddled up. I've probably done around 35-40 in all and have about 15 to go, but that number will grow no doubt.
I go through as many as 7 transplants per plant but usually 5. I see much better results with my plants and save tonnes of space.
AlabamaJack said:
Lookin' good Elequin...I haven't finished transplanting yet...have 150 in pots and got 85 more to go...

Wow.. 14 had me opening a cold beer.

Let me know if you want any help. I'm usually off work on Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays. :)