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Transplant time

It was time to move some plants from dirt to hydro. Sacrificed were three basil plants, that I hope to put into potting soil and a clone of Bhut that after three weeks has not grown any roots.

Taking their place: A Holland Hothouse, Diva and Jade cucumber in one container, two Green sausage toms in the other one.

All of the plants are under CFL lamps. The cukes are getting ~4,000 lux, the toms ~9,000. (It's a lot harder to raise a 20 gallon tub than a five-gallon bucket.) All of the plants are in 5" net pots though the toms share the same one.

Progress reports to follow over the next few months.

Hiya mike interested to see the progress of your Toms under lights,the Green sausage toms are on my grow list for next year :)

This was the first year I grew them and they were one of the few new ones I like. The plants don't get tall - maybe two feet, but they are bushy and filled with fruits. Two plants provided enough to make 4-5 pints of salsa each time. The toms have next to no juice and few seeds. They are only in the middle of the fruit which makes them easy to remove for salsa.
