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Hey all.

The following pics are of my current peppers. They are looking like they are close to outgrowing their cups. My problem is that we are getting very close to potting them up for outside (Bay Area, CA), I'm estimating three to four weeks. I wanted to pot them into 5 gals from the cups, but I don't have room inside to do that. Do I pot them up to pot a little bigger than the cups? Or do I just wait it out? Do you think they will be okay in the cups that long?




check the roots, but the ones in the top pic are fine, they could easily go longer in those cups, and once they are outside I would really pick those pods off and all the flowers to get them to grow roots... but me personally I like to pot up in smaller steps.. like I said check the roots and take some pics, with the bigger ones that should be easy since they should just all slip out, the ones in the 3rd pic will probably need to be put into something else for now...but maybe someone else will think differently

and wow, is that a flower on one of the plants in the first pic? that is insanely early for a plant to have flowers and it being that small lol. I'm new to growing peppers indoors and early, and mine had tons of light, but still didn't produce flowers until they were at least 6-8" tall, and those were the annuums lol