Transplanted a reaper plant still wilting after 20 hrs . Is this bad?

Ok So I bought a Reaper plant from a local grower the plant had 1 pod on it already. But after transplant yesturday I notced today that it is wilting. How long will it take for it to perk up I had to shade it today because it is like 90 degrees outside.

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Just wondering if this is normal?
My plants wilt in 90° heat, especially in full sun for most of the day. I spray them with a fine spray of water once they are out of the sun and they usually perk up. I`d use some shade on it for the afternoon sun until it got over transplant shock, the re-introduce to the sun slowly. 
I watered the base lastnight once they where planted and then again early this morning.
The soil under the top layer is wet. The 7 pod and the Trinadad Moruga Scorpions I planted aren't near as wilted.
I guess because I am such a noob to this I am scared. LOL
They will remain in shade until late tonight then I will shade them most of the day tomorrow since they say it will  be 94 degrees
You're doing all of the right things imho.
Roots aren't pulling water full force just yet, so you are keeping the soil wetter than normal. And you are giving them time in the shade.
The plant looks good considering, at worst it'll take a few more days to look perky.
I have seen plants do that when i have damaged their roots a bit.when transplanting. They always recover in a day or too. You should be fine.
   I transplanted a 7 pot Jonah Butch T about a month ago. It showed signs of transplant shock for nearly 2 weeks. I put it in the shade for about 2 days initially. I assumed it would be safe to put it back in the sun after a few days. It started wilting after about a half hour. I put it back in the shade for a few more days and tried again. This continued for nearly 2 weeks. Finally after 12 to 14 days it was back to normal. I would wait till a weekend, or when you can check on it after a half hour or so. You wouldn't want to lose a plant this far into the season. Good Luck!
peppernovice said:
   I transplanted a 7 pot Jonah Butch T about a month ago. It showed signs of transplant shock for nearly 2 weeks. I put it in the shade for about 2 days initially. I assumed it would be safe to put it back in the sun after a few days. It started wilting after about a half hour. I put it back in the shade for a few more days and tried again. This continued for nearly 2 weeks. Finally after 12 to 14 days it was back to normal. I would wait till a weekend, or when you can check on it after a half hour or so. You wouldn't want to lose a plant this far into the season. Good Luck!
Thanks for the advise today it is 95 degrees and just hot and humid the plant is wilted again along with my 7 pods and moruga's they where all transplanted at the same time the reaper seems to be taken it the hardest.