Transplanted my pepper crop for the season

Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Here's to better weather than last season. Put that soil to work!
I'll try my friend but it's been a weird year!
Today is cloudy and windy and it looks like November outside when it should be sunny and around 72-74.
Good weather for transplanting though as I potted up the peppers and 8 feminized Cannabis plants.
I am going to be real busy come October. :rofl: 
I'm confused a bit. Do you mean 4 Thai Dragon is your entire pepper grow this season? Thai is my favorite pepper at the moment. Thai Dragon is the fave on my profile. I haven't had many varieties though! Im growing lots this season to change that! If this wasn't deliberate on your part I'd be more than willing to send you some extra seeds!
Spicy Mushroom said:
I'm confused a bit. Do you mean 4 Thai Dragon is your entire pepper grow this season? Thai is my favorite pepper at the moment. Thai Dragon is the fave on my profile. I haven't had many varieties though! Im growing lots this season to change that! If this wasn't deliberate on your part I'd be more than willing to send you some extra seeds!
Yes that is my entire pepper grow for the season.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
What did you use for cover crop?
I used a 13 species cover crop from
tctenten said:
I would be interested in this too for this upcoming fall.  Do you mind sharing your process?
I just reuse the same soil and plant a cover crop in the containers to keep the soil food Web going. When it's time to plant your peppers just chop and drop the cover crop as a green mulch and plant your pepper in the pot. If the cover crop keeps going great as it serves as a living mulch. If it dies off then mulch with a thick layer of straw to keep the soil moist longer.
Great.  Thank you.  Do you also add more compost/ewc to your pots before you planted?  Or is that not necessary if you are planting the cover crop? 
tctenten said:
Great.  Thank you.  Do you also add more compost/ewc to your pots before you planted?  Or is that not necessary if you are planting the cover crop? 
You could but I usually just seed the container and then sprinkle 1/4" or so of compost to cover the seeds to germinate them. When you plant your peppers or whatever you are growing in the spring then a top dress of compost/EWC mixed with some chopped Comfrey leaves makes an excellent amendment to it.