in-ground Transplanted to the ground but seem to have stopped growing?

Have any of you had this happen.  On some of the facebook pepper groups it seems to be a common occurrence.  Seed sowed inside, plants look great, hardened off fine, then when you put in the ground or container it's like they say "welp, I think I'll dick off now and just do nothing."
I have plants doing this and my veggies and fruit plants are thriving.  I am also growing in two gardens, 10 miles apart with very different soils and see this happening at both places. 
meinchoh said:
Is the soil temp ok? It should be by the middle of June...right??
I am stil fairly new to peppers but if it helps I too am in Ohio.  Just SE of Columbus and I would think soil temp is fine
the plot here at my house is full sun with absolutely nothing around to shade it.  Theplot at my mothers gets some shade throughout the day.  Complete different scenarios
meinchoh said:
Doing any tomatoes and if so, how are they?

When did you plant out? Possible transplant shock?
about 3 weeks ago but I have had some in containers outside for longer.  In fact, mostly allof them have been placed around the deck since after hardening off.  I still have some to go in the ground.  Tomatoes planted at the same time, and they are triple in size than they were when transplanted.  All of my seed come from different people, so I don't think it's something seed specific.  I guess it could be shock.  I could just be impatient but I think they would have grown at a noticable rate by now. 
I don't plan on giving up I just wondered why this seems to happen to some of us. 
I would think that they would have gotten over any shock by now...wilting or yellowing?

Did the root systems look fine when you transplanted?
I'm willing to bet that they're putting their energy into getting a good root system established, since they have a lot more room to grow now. Once the roots are fully established in their new shoes, you should see the plant above ground take off like a weed. I go straight from the seedling trays to 5 gallon pots, and they usually stall until the roots establish in the pots
Buzz said:
I'm willing to bet that they're putting their energy into getting a good root system established, since they have a lot more room to grow now. Once the roots are fully established in their new shoes, you should see the plant above ground take off like a weed. I go straight from the seedling trays to 5 galloon pots, and they usually stall until the roots establish in the pots
If their health isn't deteriorating, I'm willing to bet that's what's going on too.
Buzz said:
I'm willing to bet that they're putting their energy into getting a good root system established, since they have a lot more room to grow now. Once the roots are fully established in their new shoes, you should see the plant above ground take off like a weed. I go straight from the seedling trays to 5 gallon pots, and they usually stall until the roots establish in the pots
This is my first year growing in ground, I planted two plants I OW'd from last year and then a week or two later I put a seedling in the ground as well since I had the extra room.  In both cases it took maybe two weeks before I started seeing new growth on the surface.  As Buzz said, once they get a good root system established below ground they really do take off above-ground.
It might also be that we baby them so much when the are inside under the lights, when we plant out there is a certain amount of hey wtf on the part of the plants, beyond transplant shock, just the harsh reality of the outside world and all its uncontrollable factors compared w/ the perfect conditions we all strive for in our grow rooms, this is just my opinion and I have decided to test my theory by starting my first ever totally outdoor seedling tray, 30 of 36 seeds have sprouted and are doing well on 4-5 hours of afternoon/evening sun, soon they will be potted up as they are about 2 weeks old and most are starting on their second set of true leaves!
KevinH said:
Browing do you have a Glog would love to see the lil guy's....
I started one then never updated it.  Most of the plants I started when I made it got destroyed by chickens.  That's also why I took a hiatus from here, I had nothing top post lol