soil Transplanting from hydro to soil.

Any ideas on how badly shocked the plant's going to be and how I can reduce this? It's just sitting in a dish of nute water, nothing special like bubbler or anything. 
I would pot it up in dirt and harden off first.
I have a bunch of hydro-to-dirt growing now.
They won't be happy about it for a week or so.
Oh----and soak the snot out of them the first watering after putting them in dirt, then let it dry to drooping.
All good after.
I've done it two years now. Straight from the aerogarden to the soil and it's not pretty haha. Last year I did it and it dropped every single leaf. This year I did it and it dropped all the big leafs but I have a ton of new growth coming in. Of course I guess it all depends on your weather and soil condition as well (hot, dry and 50mph gust of wind past 4 or 5 days here).
I would definitely recommend hardening off in a container indoors with lights if possible first.
I transplant from aero to soil all the time with no setback.
I do it in the middle of summer when temps and light are ideal.
You may lose one here or there but generally as long as it's kept well watered the first couple of weeks you can expect them to do well.
So far it looks fine. It went from a lake to a bog so to speak, and it has some roots above soil to get air like it used to in the hydro system. 
When first transplanted, the roots will have a very hard time providing water and nutes to the plant.  Keep them well watered and give them a week or two before slowly introducing them to a drier or brighter environment. An occasional foliar spray probably wouldn't hurt....
Holy  :censored:. The thing set a pod. Just now. It hasn't been in the new soil for even five days yet. I'd think that with all the shock and such it wouldn't be doing very well, but looks like it really doesn't care. Then again, it is in a swamp pretty much and has no right to complain after being WAY overfed by a friend of mine such that the leaves burned off, then it fell on the floor and broke. After that, nothing really seems to phase it. Last time it set pods was when it got to 42 degrees in that room and it had severe leaf spot. Before the accident, it never fruited once. Maybe it's just a masochist, I dunno.