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seeds Transplanting Seedlings


For all the "newbys" that are asking questions about seedlings...This is from the Farmers Almanac and I totally agree with what they say...

Transplanting Tips

For gardeners in North America, May is the biggest transplanting month. A seedling’s move to the outdoors can be traumatic. Here are some tips to minimize transplant shock:

• Be sure to “harden off” the plants. For the last 7 to 10 days, bring seedlings outdoors for increasing periods each day, first placing them in dappled shade, protected from winds, and then gradually moving them into full sun and wind. Some gardeners use cold frames.

• During the plants’ last week indoors, lower temperatures a bit, withhold fertilizer, and water less often.

• Do not leave outside if there is danger of frost. (check your area for average last frost date)

• When buying transplants at a nursery, choose stocky plants with deep-green foliage, roughly as wide as they are tall. You’ll need to harden off these transplants, too.

• Ideally, the transplants that you grow or buy are in individual containers so that you do not disturb the roots of neighboring seedlings when you remove each plant.

you can find your average last frost date by simply googling "Average Last Frost Date" for your zip code

here is a link to the "Farmers Almanac"


Good growing all....
Nice post AJ. Ive only been doing this for a few years so I am still learning and still making mistakes. But this forum and the people here have been there to help through most of it.