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Tree Hab?

I recieved tree hab seeds and one has sprouted I have not been able to find any information about this variety i was curious if anyone on here has grown or any info or pictures would be awesome or if some one could direct me in the right direction thanx
I have grown it this year. Not much info I could find when I got the seeds from smokemaster but it does indeed grow large. I does not bush out like most other just very tall. I think mine is almost 5 feet now and the seeds were started in june. Here are a couple pictures.



Size two months ago, less than three months old.




Hope this helps a little Nate.
Will the pods be pendant? I finally got a little info, i'm pretty sure i got mine from smokemaster too i'll have to check, Habanero Arbol is another name for it, i was reading some people had them at 9ft tall! pretty cool liek a tree, Noah that is a mighty nice plant you got theyre. thanx for pics too. when i pot this puppy up i think i'm gonna put it in a huge pot and see how tall i can get it:0 are these hotter than reg orange habs?
I have not bitten into one. I think smokemaster said he got his to over nine feet the first year, I got mine started late and have a much shorter season than him(south cali he gets year round growth). So yours should get pretty large where you are. The pods grow upright unless they get way to heavy, then they fall. I have some ripe ones that are upright, some that are sideways and some that are pendant. Just depends on pod weight I guess.
It's good to see other people growing this. I'd like to enter the tallest tree hab competetion :) I just have 2 seedlings now but plan to eventually plant in ground to see full potential.

According to smoke:
"It grows like a Baccatum but no spots on the flowers.Only 1 pod per node-Annuum?
Annuum Bacatun cross?
Nobody knows what it is.Seeds are from south America/Andes Mountains."

When he mentioned growing his over 9 ft and having pods year round, I just had to grow it.

pods year round and like a tree definately sounds cool tallest tree hab sounds pretty cool friendly competition. mine has only been out of ground for a few days now, so this will be very fun all feel free to post your tree hab height. Im gonna get the biggest pot i can find and see how tall i can get it tallest tree hab starts now, i think i have a few extra seeds I can send if anyone wants to jump in on the tallest tree hab comp. Old plants count too, let the games begin:)




The pics are from after I trimmed about 3 or more ft. off the top and about the same off each side.
Once trimmed it won't grow taller or wider,just more bushy/small branches.
Plant hates 100 degree weather.
Does best in the fall and especially the spring.
Mine grew about 3-4 ft. first year in a 5 gal. container.
2nd year I put it in a 15 gal. and it grew about 3-4 ft. taller than the roof and it's as wide as tall.
You can see branch ends in the pics where I cut them.
The branches got so heavy they would wipe out the other plants below them so I cut them.
Also it got old using a ladder to pic the pods...
Very prolific.Not quite as hot as a habanero.Slight chinense taste.

I repotted mine this year and it's not happy right now with the new soil.
Once it cools down I'll see if it comes back or if I should have left it alone.
One pic is of it with more pods than leaves after I repotted it.

I'd like to graft a gazillian different peppers to this tree but can't get any to take so far.

I have seeds for SASBE.
Thanx for the pics and info smoke, Grafting that would be awesome, what kind of grafting have you been doing the wedge method? cool setup too what are the bottles on a stick for? no prob sauceman
Bottles(beer) are so the shade cloth can behung on those stakes.

Pill bottles are to keep the bird?cat netting off the plants and so I don't poke myself reaching for a pod.

Tried all kinds of grafts.I think it's just too hot with the south facing garden.
98 degrees today...

Too bad I didn't own a camera a few years ago before I trimmed it.
correction i got my tree hab seeds from chililover sorry:( I have recieved seeds from smokemaster too thanx all who have shared with me!
This is the first season for my Tree Hab. I believe I got the seeds from smokemaster a few years ago. It is now cut back and in the house for the winter.

I know you've been growing for a while and have done well, so I hope you don't take this the wrong way. Is there enough light on your seedlings? Some look leggy. And isn't it a little early to harden them off? Just trying to help.:)
I have hem under no light just a little morning light. No offense taken at all i'm still learning alot. What is your hardeninng off procedure?
I wait for about 2 months until hardening off but I'm up in Canada and grow under lights for the first two months. Maybe your okay? I forgot your down in Florida. How long after planting the seeds do you have them in there final spot?
i germ inside then when they sprout i harden them off as soon as they hit the top of the dome. I put in the shade until 2 set of leaves, then put in 1 gallon pot or less and so on up to a six gallon. I prob should be putting under lights idk but i'll experiment. I grow all year. Last two nights have been chili even during day, happy for winter weather.
Gettin em used to the florida weather early, theyre starting to get some true leaves all germed on the 6th