• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Trent's 2014 Grow Log - COLD COLD COLD

Figure I'll keep track 2014 on here. At least then all my data will be in one place instead of scattered around on slips of paper.
First; PSA.
I'll *never* use the Jiffy starting pods / soil again.
I lost 95% of the plants in these two trays:

The roots wouldn't form. They couldn't get any nutrients out of the soil, whatsoever, and tried to suck what they could from the layers of paper. 
Burpee trays with compressed peat were planted 3 weeks later and within 3 weeks were quadruple in size.
Finished transplanting all sprouts on Saturday (4-5-2014).


I might lose a couple transplants but here's the current count (all in 3" paper cups)
7 pod Barrackpore - qty 6
7 pod Brain Strain, Yellow - qty 5 
7 pod Brain Strain, Red - qty 11
7 pod Chaguanas - qty 7
7-pod Jonah - qty 4
7-pod Long - qty 11
7-pod Original Red - qty 7
7-pod Primo - Qty 3
Bhut Jolokia (brown) - Qty 2
Bhut Jolokia (indian carbon) - qty 6
Bhut Jolokia (red) - qty 9
Bhut Jolokia (yellow) - qty 7
Bhut Jolokia (white) - qty 6
Brown Moruga - qty 6
Carolina reaper - qty 23
Cayenne (Sweet) - qty 3
Cayenne (large) - qty 6
Chili de Abrol - qty 10
True Cumari - qty 1
Datil - qty 3
Dedo De Moca - qty 3
Dorset Naga - qty 3
Fatali, Yellow - qty 4
Giant mexican Rocoto - qty 4
Goats weed - qty 3
Habanero (big sun) - qty 8
Habanero (chocolate) - all died / no sprouts
Habanero (orange) - qty 4
Jalapeno (black) - qty 8 
Jalapeno (early) - qty 14
Jalapeno (giant) - qty 15
Mako Akokosrade - qty 3
Naga Morich (orig) - qty 6
Naga Morich (monster naga) - qty 3
Naga morich (bombay morich) - qty 6
Pimenta de Neyde - qty 3
Tobago (seasoning) - all died
Tobago Scotch Bonnet (red) - qty 3
Tobago Scotch Bonnet (yellow) - qty 5
Trinidad Scorpion (butch T) - qty 8
Trinidad Scorpion (Cardi) - qty 4
Trinidad scorpion (douglah) - qty 3
Trinidad scorpion Moruga - qty 7
Trinidad scorpion (orig) - qty 3
Trinidad scorpion (PI 281317) - qty 3
Trinidad Scorpion (smooth) - qty 1
Trinidad Scorpion (yellow) - qty 4
PI 281429 - qty 1
surviving overwinters in large pots:
7-Pod (orig) - qty 1
Bhut Jolokia (red) - qty 2
Bhut Jolokia (giant) - qty 1
Yellow Bhut jolokia - qty 2
Carolina Reaper - qty 4
Cayenne - qty 1
habanero (golden) - qty 3
habanero (tazmanian) - qty 3
Naga morich - qty 1
naga Viper - qty 2
Trinidad Scorpion - qty 1
Butch-T Trinidad - qty 2
Trinidad scorpion moruga - qty 3
Yatsufusa - qty 1
Scotch Bonnet (red) - qty 1 (sole 2012 survivor)
Total 3" pot transplants: 264
Total overwinters surviving: 28
Great story, Trent.  Your plants all look awesome.  
Love the last shot of the peppers on the north side of the house!
Here's to a great season for ya!
Took the afternoon off work to play with dirt. :)
I just finished potting up another 7 trays of 5" pots (8 each, 56 plants). Back is killing me from bending over to scoop up potting soil. I need a better system for doing that next year.
I have some stragglers left in the basement but I think they're going to get pitched. 8 of them show some signs of disease, of some nature. Will try to snap pics later. 
Long range forecast is calling for some lows in the 40's next week so I'm not planting out yet.. going to stick with the plan and put them in the dirt the weekend of the 24th-25th.
The plants on the north side of the house are growing like crazy. They're going to get some "real weather" this week - storms and showers in the forecast for 7 days straight. They got their first taste of rainwater last night - rained for about three hours - and they seem to be loving it.
Going to go sort plants now, tagging the ones I'm putting in the ground in a couple weeks with an x on the back side of the tag.
Looking good Trent!
Those Tom's will love you for laying them on their side like that.
Poor some of that potting soil in a 5 gal bucket and put the bucket on the table, or use an old aluminum turkey pan. Work smarter not harder ;)  Old timers drilled that line into me, so now I'm old and my turn to drill :D
Have a great weekend and don't work too hard!
The tomato I put in the ground yesterday is doing good. It had been outside in full shade for two days before that stem bent & split.
I was half expecting to find it burned today but it seems to be doing just fine. 
Guess tomatoes don't require hardening like peppers??? I put my Jalapenos in weak evening sun tonight and they wilted in 20 minutes. :)
TrentL said:
The tomato I put in the ground yesterday is doing good. It had been outside in full shade for two days before that stem bent & split.
I was half expecting to find it burned today but it seems to be doing just fine. 
Guess tomatoes don't require hardening like peppers??? I put my Jalapenos in weak evening sun tonight and they wilted in 20 minutes. :)
I think it all depends on what light you used in the basement. Most of my plants were under a HID. I was pretty harsh with the hardening off and gave them full morning sun right away but kept them out of the evening sun. They were fully hardened off in a few days with minimal if any burnt leaves. The plants I had under T8 lights had many more burnt leaves under the same conditions.
But I agree with you. My tomatoes were under the T8 and they didn't really have any problem with my harsh hardening off.
By the way, you're Hot range/cold range thread is really becoming a monster. Headed back there later to check the progress. Interesting.
Devv said:
They may suffer some, but it won't slow them down a bit ;)
Speaking of suffering. My daughter is going to prom tomorrow and showed me her dress tonight.
Her date is an 18 year old - she's a 15 year old freshman ... we're going to have a little "chat" in the back yard before they leave...
I raised 2 kids, well the wife and I did. A boy and a girl.
So you're in OMG mode. And rightfully so!
I say lock her up til she's 21! LOL just kidding.
I have to laugh at my son, he's got 3 daughters, the oldest is about to turn 13. May the good Lord be on his side!
All you can do is hope all the stuff you've drilled into her head stuck ;)
I'm sooo glad that part of my life is history, and it turned out OK :shh:
Oh hell no. I'm not going through that in a few years, am I ?
I'm keeping my guns clean :D
Jeff reminded me of this one, blended with the worst tween movie ever.
BTW, I had started my seeds in those very same 10 cell tray things,(the paper crap) and had horrible luck as well, They were stalled after like first true leaves so I was very upset haha. Started like 5 more in solo cups and they tripled the size in weeks over the other ones.
Sheltering the plants in the garage for a couple days.

How fast these have grown up since transplanting in to the 5" pots is SHOCKING.
Carolina Reaper

(This one was half the size a week ago.)
Here's one I transplanted to a 6" pot several over a month ago. While broader, the ones I transplanted to 5" pots last week are damn near caught up already...

While transplanting 200 plants to 5" pots was QUITE a chore, especially since plant out was 3 weeks away at the time, it was the right call. They were stalled out in the little pots and since transplanting have REALLY taken off.
Just realized... One week to dirt day!
Sooo looking forward to getting the 2014 grow in the ground and wrapped up. I've reached the point of my endurance where I'm just about done with it!
Next year I'm not planting so many damn extras.
Grow room is fully dismantled and rearranged as an electronics room again, got projects I've been putting off.