Tried an experiment

I have a overwinter aji oro. It was a very late start from last season. It got hit with aphids. Used neem once and got aphids again later. Well a few lady bugs managed to show up inside somehow. I caught 3 total over maybe a 2 week period and put them on the plant. Within a few days i was seeing lady bug larvae and it did not take long for there to be many of them.
Them suckers must have eaten every damn aphid off that plant. :D
It just really surprised me how fast i had the larvae. A lady bug must see the buffet and lay eggs or something because i had a army of them in no time at all. It turns out i can buy lady bugs locally too so i may try this again if needed later in the year. It may not be a super fast solution but it appears to be way more effective than i imagined.