Trinadad Scorpion Question

My Trinadad Scorpions, just this week, started flowering. We had a pretty late start to Summer here and I know it's getting really late in the growing season. Does anyone know if there any chance of getting a crop?

I would be happy with just a couple of pods, to try again next year.
It will be very close, they do take a long time once the pod starts as do all super hots. I am in the same boat with my Trinidad Scorpion Moruga but I think my warm weather last a tad longer than yours. 
I'm in the same boat as you Phearis! I live in Kent and also got a late start.
My Moruga and Chocolate Scorpion just started flowering. It looks like my Chocolate Scorp wants to produce. You can tell by the little bit of swelling at the end of the bud , just before the flower starts. Keep your plants from wilting and being over watered and it will improve your chances of pods. Also, young smaller superhot flowers have very little chance of producing. As the plant grows there will be more and bigger flowers. Good luck neighbor!
Looks like our grow will continue indoors this yr.
I also am in the same boat.  My Moruga Scorpions just started flowering a week or two ago. I now have half a dozen to a dozen flowers on each plant.
I'm in Southern B.C., Canada, and have a frost date of mid October, so I'm really pushing it. I may need to build a greenhouse around them.
Same story here.  I'm hoping Fall comes late again this year like last year, maybe get an extra 4 or 6 weeks growing out of 2013.
Wustenfuchs said:
Same story here.  I'm hoping Fall comes late again this year like last year, maybe get an extra 4 or 6 weeks growing out of 2013.
I got a late start too but the hid is my savior. I'm loaded with pods and still podding up. If fall is late I'm gonna be loaded!
It's going to be difficult if they're outside, I'd try building some sort of greenhouse around them, that should still give you plenty of time to get a good harvest!
my chocolate scorpion plant got it's first pod july 10th, the pod stopped growing a week ago and it isn't showing any signs of ripening yet so maybe?