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Trinidad Morovas

Now that sounds like a good initiative Judy! :) I would love to go to Trinidad someday. Yes, I have heard of Coffee Pepper. There is a purple version too I believe. As much as we know about Trinidad stuff now, I imagine we haven't scratched the surface of all the treasures in existence. Probably local farmers know of many nice varieties. Best of luck with your project. You'll make many happy cbileheads.


i need to get hold of a Trinidadian person here.. i dont see sara any where any more...she was my main source,, but now i need some one from trinidad who is memeber here
i need to get hold of a Trinidadian person here.. i dont see sara any where any more...she was my main source,, but now i need some one from trinidad who is memeber here

Judy i like what you are doing for Trinidad,keep up the good work.If you need any help let me know,i might be able to help you....
Judy i like what you are doing for Trinidad,keep up the good work.If you need any help let me know,i might be able to help you....

thanks my friend i need to know people from trinidad who live there and can send me some pf any and every thing they find in there market ... so we can show the world whats out there
thanks my friend i need to know people from trinidad who live there and can send me some pf any and every thing they find in there market ... so we can show the world whats out there

Is T&T safe for international travelers? I know certain parts of West Indies (ie. Kingston) are pretty dangerous...

I travel to Seattle once a year for work, I wonder if I could burn some air miles and fly to T&T in around October next year. I can't really send seeds back to Aus as our quarantine is super tight, but if I had someone in the US I could send them too, I'd be interested in going over.
Is T&T safe for international travelers? I know certain parts of West Indies (ie. Kingston) are pretty dangerous...

I travel to Seattle once a year for work, I wonder if I could burn some air miles and fly to T&T in around October next year. I can't really send seeds back to Aus as our quarantine is super tight, but if I had someone in the US I could send them too, I'd be interested in going over.

Yes it can be dangerous,but you got to know where you are going & with who & you will be ok.From my understanding the parts of the island where they mostly grow these peppers you will not have any problems at all...