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chinense Trinidad Moruga Scorpion almost as hot as Butch T?

So I was trying to find the scoville units of the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and this site says the peppers can reach into the 1.4mil range similar to the butch T, now I am assuming the butch T are hotter more often, but this this correct? and has anyone ever eaten enough butch T and moruga to tell if the moruga is ever as hot?

Here is what Jim Duffy wrote on facebook yesterday regarding it:

"Me and Marlin had dozens of tests done. Trinidad or Trinidad Butch T averaged between 800,000 to 1,400,000. But highest average was around 1,200,000+. Now Moruga Scorpion was around the same except for 1 thing. Only twice did the Moruga fall below 1,000,000. And in both cases pods were overripe nearing decay. So the Moruga Scorpion stayed above 1,000,000 more often."
Here is what Jim Duffy wrote on facebook yesterday regarding it:

"Me and Marlin had dozens of tests done. Trinidad or Trinidad Butch T averaged between 800,000 to 1,400,000. But highest average was around 1,200,000+. Now Moruga Scorpion was around the same except for 1 thing. Only twice did the Moruga fall below 1,000,000. And in both cases pods were overripe nearing decay. So the Moruga Scorpion stayed above 1,000,000 more often."

So there is really no difference?
I've only tried small pieces of each fresh on a few occasions, which isn't much of a sample size to be all that meaningful, but they seem fairly comparable to me.
Short answer - no. long answer - nooooooooooooooooooooo.
They're mighty hot, but the Butch T is noticeably hotter. don't look at Scoville test as if your were a little scientist. most of the results I've read recently are far-fetched.
As soon as mine ripen I'll be able to eat one of each pod back to back to find out myself which one I think is hotter. Although I'm still thinking my 7Pods will beat both..
As soon as mine ripen I'll be able to eat one of each pod back to back to find out myself which one I think is hotter. Although I'm still thinking my 7Pods will beat both..

The Moruga you gave me has one turning. You need to stop down and stop be reclusive.
The Moruga you gave me has one turning. You need to stop down and stop be reclusive.
Woot for the 1st one turning! I have many turning and this saturday night I'm hosting an adult party and will be having some pepper challenges, bring a cam! :) btw, I like my isolation, I'm try to stay out of the evil government, facebook, and google spying eyes... :)

btw, I don't mean to thread jack sorry. The bull of any super special strain being hotter then another is total hype, it just depends on the growing conditions from feeding, nutrients, stress etc that can make some hotter then others. Once you get so bloody hot its too hard to tell by feeling anyhow, whats a few hundred scoville rating going to make....
Woot for the 1st one turning! I have many turning and this saturday night I'm hosting an adult party and will be having some pepper challenges, bring a cam! :) btw, I like my isolation, I'm try to stay out of the evil government, facebook, and google spying eyes... :)

btw, I don't mean to thread jack sorry. The bull of any super special strain being hotter then another is total hype, it just depends on the growing conditions from feeding, nutrients, stress etc that can make some hotter then others. Once you get so bloody hot its too hard to tell by feeling anyhow, whats a few hundred scoville rating going to make....

To me certainly, I can't tell the difference between the moruga and a red 7 pod, but I have a friend who supposedly eats habaneros easily, so I wanna give him a surprise.
Bwhahahahhaaa, well I hope it's a good friend as the he'll be surprised all right, but don't be surprised if he doesn't attack you in revenge for destroying his mouth and throat and stomach for the night! :lol:
Bwhahahahhaaa, well I hope it's a good friend as the he'll be surprised all right, but don't be surprised if he doesn't attack you in revenge for destroying his mouth and throat and stomach for the night! :lol:

Hey he asked me, I doubt he is going to like it though, his sister said he ate the bag of habs I gave him, but I tried to get him to eat one without milk, and he decided not to :hell:

Although he did say he got pepper sprayed in the mouth by some cheap spray and it wasn't too awful as long as he had milk... so we will see.