chinense Trinidad Scorpion AJ

Hey y'all
So as far as I have gotten to unraveling this is that it is a TS that was grown and circulated by Alabama Jack.
Now.  Is this thing at all different (heat - type and length, flavour, ease of culture, etc.) than the std TS and the TS Butch T.
Yea, Alabama Jack (Ronnie) grew an entire field of Trinidad Scorpions with this single seed strand.  It wasn't a heavy producer for me and it was a bit smaller and "rounder" than the typical blocky TS that I have had.  Here is a photo of the pods that came off my plant. 

Here is a review from Todd of one of the pods I sent him.
This is interesting, and I had no idea. I have seeds for it and never germinated any. I got the seed from Brian (Justaguy). Oh well I'll give em a shot next year.

, Walter