my indoor scorpion is a dwc so I just have it sitting in water with the air pump going 24/7.What watering cycle do u have u hydro on?
I'm running once a day
Also are u chillies as hot or hotter than u thought they were going to be
my outdoor chilies are nft so I just have a tiny water pump going 24/7. the water dropping into the tank takes care of the oxygen in the water.
so far I've only eaten my f1 super chilies and they knocked my socks off. I know they are only meant to be about 50,000scu but they felt hotter than that!
I ate one of the scorpions from from the same batch of seeds as my scorpion came from but it was grown in soil and that was as expected! Bloody hot!
My hydro super chilies are hotter than my soil super chili so I'm expecing my hydro scorpion will be hotter than my mates soil scorpion.