health Trinidad Scorpion Butch T - What is wrong!?

Hi There,
I am growing some Trinidad Scorpion Butch T chillies, so far there are only two chillies that are growing on my plant. They are on a south facing window sill and I move them into the sun outside as and when I can if its really sunny outside. I onyl water them when the soil is dry and I water with a spray to ensure I dont over water. I feed them with tomato feed about once a week.
I have lots of flowers but they seem to be just wilting and dieing and then new flowers forming.
Does anyone know what I can do to encourage the plant to produce more fruit?
Many thanks in advance,
joshmac123 said:
Hi There,
I am growing some Trinidad Scorpion Butch T chillies, so far there are only two chillies that are growing on my plant. They are on a south facing window sill and I move them into the sun outside as and when I can if its really sunny outside. I onyl water them when the soil is dry and I water with a spray to ensure I dont over water. I feed them with tomato feed about once a week.
I have lots of flowers but they seem to be just wilting and dieing and then new flowers forming.
Does anyone know what I can do to encourage the plant to produce more fruit?
Many thanks in advance,
They are late season, you might have more to come ...
My favorite pepper, so enjoy!
how old are they ? what season you in ? spring, summer , etc.  tap or give the plants a little shake once in while ( every day )  help them drop pollen . 
Many thanks for you replies!
I have tried hand pollination and i given them a shake in the morning and when im home from work. I have grown them from seed, germinated them in August last year (I got impatient and didnt know much about when to grow chillies). I kept the plant indoors over the winter and it started producing fruit in May (only two bare in mind). I am currently in summer.
I would upload a picture but I have no idea how! advice on this would be much appreciated!
Do you think I just need to persevere with the hand pollination?
Many Thanks,
Be careful not to underwater them when you do water them.. Let the soil get drier than your average plant  but when you water them make sure they get a soak... You don't want the plant JUST surviving... give it enough to progress..
My guess would be sunlight.  Even a southern facing window will only get 4-5 hours of good direct sunlight.  The plant will only produce what it can support. 
Don't spray after they're any taller than a few inches. Deep watering when the deep soil is beginning to dry or the plant starts to wilt is good for it. It's very hard for spray on the top to get to deep roots due to evaporation.

As for losing flowers, it might just not be old enough. Depending on when you planted it it might just need more time. I have plants that just started keeping flowers that I started back in December
My three year old Butch T:

Every year it drops flowers for at least a month, then it starts to set pods and I get several dozen by the end of the season.
My scorpions produced very little for their first round of peppers.  I overwintered them and the next year they went nuts.
I'd say get them outside in full sun, my butch t's are blowing up right now and we have had low to mid 50 nights a lot this week. Yours are looking good though I'm sure they'll start pushing more pods once it's outside full time.
I have put them outside but they are being mauled by green and black fly. Do any of you guys have a good solution for getting rid of them and preventing them from coming back??