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Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

I bought some seeds for the butch t and i finally got two germinated. the are still not even free of there seed pod since they came up today. Do i put them in direct light right away or leave them on the heat mat with no light till they break free of their shell? Also when do i stop keeping the soil moist and water like a usual plant. I appreciate all the advise as i am a first time superhot grower. I do know they can be a little harder than a typical pepper and didn't want to risk these guys not making it.
If there is a seed helmet, it will need to come off. Use a CFL light fir your seedlings. They are cheap and can be purchased anywhere
If the seedling has not been exposed to much light, ease it in to the light so you dont burn it.  Just keep if a bit further away from the light to start, and then move it to a normal distance in a day or so.
Keep it moist and keep the fluorescent on it.

Be patient - you still have at least a couple of weeks.

I also recommend letting them "wick" water from the bottom.

Your sprouts should have a cover,  it will keep the helmet moist helping em shed it, if they still have it after a few days yah may want to use a magnifying glass and attempt to pinch the pod open.  Be careful I lose more than half trying this, thats why I plant 72 at a time.
Mist it. 90% plus of the time they will come off. Sometimes the "helmet" will stay and the true leaves will still grow out. Trying to remove it is a risky thing.
I hope you are in S. Cali.  My Butch T took a long time to grow and produce, but was definitely worth the wait. Here in N.C. we had record heat in July - August, my Butch T could not hold it's buds but in the fall it took off.  It overwintered well and I'm looking forward for pods soon.
I use a humidity dome for germination, and I will leave any seedlings with "helmet head" in a little longer to keep it moist. When the seed shell shows signs of loosening, I move it under my fluorescentand, mist it often and let nature do the rest (less interference with the seedling the better).
pepperproblem said:
Mist it. 90% plus of the time they will come off. Sometimes the "helmet" will stay and the true leaves will still grow out. Trying to remove it is a risky thing.
I had one do just that, I left it alone and it did grow new leaves around the set that still had the seed on them..
I'd say the important thing is to keep it moist, as mentioned above.

Any helmeted ones I had that poked up into open air and dried out died. Any that had some sort of cover to lock in humidity and keep it soft eventually escaped.