pics Trinidad Scorpion Moruga, late start from seed progression pics

I usually post on GW, but have been getting more and more fed up with those forums.  This is my first real post here.
This is the first year I am growing any peppers from seed, got a late start on these Trinidad Scorpion Morugas.  I started them mid April, and the first one came up in 12 days, with the other three a day behind.  I just kept them on top of a light for some bottom heat and it seemed to do the trick. 
They have been growing under a couple of 28 watt fish tank lights I had, I have started hardening them off and will move them outside soon.
The latest picture is from about a week ago, I think they are coming along pretty good for three weeks old.
Thanks for looking.





I agree with compmodder. You might get pods this summer/fall provided there are no setbacks and how quickly the plant matures
I'm hoping they produce this year, but time will tell.  I do have a small portable greenhouse, and they will be grown in containers, so I should be able to shelter them in to the fall season if needed.
All my 26 plants are like this :P
It's my first year growing and i started way to late i learned.

Please god let yours and mine produce peppers :D
But i have good faith,
the experts here tell us it's going to be ok so ... :D
Never too late to start plants, just can't always expect production that year. I started a new round of seeds last week just for the hell of it, they'll go under a grow light in the fall and be beasts in a year. Good luck with those Morugas!
Just a quick update. Potted them up to 4 1/2" nursery pots last night. The roots looked great when I took the jiffy pots off. Two of these are going to some co workers and I will grow out the remaining two. If the weather would cooperate, I would finish hardening them off and get them outside... Hopefully sunny skies will be here starting tomorrow.
