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Trinidad Scorpion Pepper...or not?

Hey Guys,

I purchased a pair of seedlings from the Cal State Fullerton Arboretum a couple of months back, and one of the two is in full blown pod production mode. However...they don't look like I expected them to...they are more elongated and have bumpier textures and are..well...more orange than I expected (see pics.) I haven't eaten one yet, as I haven't decided on an application (I grew them for sauce and I'm not brave/stupid enough to just gobble one with my mediocre tolerance,) so I can't speak on heat or taste.

But what do you guys think?




Bonus pic...Hot Yellow Jamaican, nice floral / fruity flavor, decent heat ( slightly less than my habs). Almost time to look into jerk recipes.
Same place bought the plant. Same "TS". Mine areNt as elongated. Then again different nutes given to each. Even then pods vary...



My Jamaican hot yellow. Should I Harvest it already. Will be out of town for 10 days. Will it still be there?!

Good job mike.
Come down I'll give it a try.
Thanks for the input guys, I'm really curious to see Dennis' pods look a little different. Most of mine are elongated but a few are similar to the ones in his first pic.

So I think the consensus is some sort of 7-pot hybrid? I'm going to contact the Arboretum and let them know the appear to be are passing off bogus scorpions...and try to figure out what their source was for the plants.

I have a second plant that hasn't podded up yet at all, it will be interesting to see if it comes out the same as the first or whether it is a true scorpion.

Dennis- I think you can leave the hot yellow, they take quite a while to finish up. You've got at least a week on that one if it ripens at the pace mine do.

Hm now that I think about it, the only two "supers" the Arboretum was selling were the Scorp and a bhut (color unknown at this point, mine are still green)...what do you guys think are the chances they grew from cross pollinated seeds and this is a F1?
Thanks for the input guys, I'm really curious to see Dennis' pods look a little different. Most of mine are elongated but a few are similar to the ones in his first pic.

So I think the consensus is some sort of 7-pot hybrid? I'm going to contact the Arboretum and let them know the appear to be are passing off bogus scorpions...and try to figure out what their source was for the plants.

I have a second plant that hasn't podded up yet at all, it will be interesting to see if it comes out the same as the first or whether it is a true scorpion.

Dennis- I think you can leave the hot yellow, they take quite a while to finish up. You've got at least a week on that one if it ripens at the pace mine do.

Hm now that I think about it, the only two "supers" the Arboretum was selling were the Scorp and a bhut (color unknown at this point, mine are still green)...what do you guys think are the chances they grew from cross pollinated seeds and this is a F1?
I would send them the pics and ask the same questions you just did here, I bet they will be very accommodating.
UPDATE: Two things to mention...first I ate one today. Pretty disappointed, I ate it in a side by side comparison with one of my habaneros, and the habanero was substantially hotter. Secondly, apparently the Arboretum grew them from seed, and the director forwarded my email to the guy responsible for sourcing the seeds, so I should have more information on that front in the near future. Hopefully this is just an isolated issue and my other plant and everyone else's plants bought them from the arboretum are authentic.