• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

TripleJ 2020 in a Nutshell

Long time no read.
Unnecessary history -skip to A at will. 
My last glog was 2015 it appears. I just evaporated. A medical issue in '14  took me forever to get adjusted to the meds and by '15, I just threw in the towel out of frustration I guess.
The garden got shoved to the back burner. I helped with my daughters small plot, but that was 350 miles away. I was there every other weekend because my wife had moved in with her family to help with grandchildren You have to have priorities I guess   :P. The overall plan was for me to stay and sell the business and our house and move in too until we found a place close by. That operation completed the first week of spring 2020 when a moving truck rolled up to our new house (almost attached to our daughter's house) with 40 years worth of "accumulation". It had been in storage for 2 years and I'm just now getting thing under control sort of. 
So, between sorting junk and building Ikea furniture, I did manage to get some peppers going.
I dusted off and fired up the old Germinator in our unheated garage.

Took forever, and I almost despaired of finding it in the chaos, but my seed bank showed up. In the last place I looked of course.
This is already mid-April -no chance of getting a chinense in the works.
On 4/22/20 I soaked (44hrs -maybe too long):
Red Marconi
King of the North
Jimmy Nardello
Cabe Mereh Basar
Aci Sirv
Aji Colorado
Nada. On 5/6/20 the Basar sprouted -so it took a full 2 weeks . It was the last of a seed lot a friend smuggled from Indonesia ~7 years ago. I got one coty.
So I  picked a few more and most of these seeds were a few years fresher.
On 5/4/20 I soaked:
Ancient Sweet
Beaver Dam
Jim NarYellow  ( a yellow sport that popped up in my 2015 grow, so un-tried)
Large Jalapeno
They mostly popped starting 5/14/20 only 10 days, but I seen faster.
I ended up buying a Red Habanero from a greenhouse, ouch  :neutral:
So 06/01/20 I bought a yard of leaf compost from the local mill. I amended it with some rock phosphate, green sand, kelp meal, crab meal I had left over.

I have used this compost before with good results, but I still like to let a fresh bed mellow before planting -if the season isn't rushing me.

VERY small plants.
The season had finally warmed and I kept them watered but they just took for ever to turn the corner. The plants yellowed, even the store bought Hab.
They didn't like something I was doing. The plants over the plastic are eggplants.
27 days out of July were above 90 degrees.
The plants hated it. I wasn't thrilled either. Rain was spotty to none. I set up a bit of drip feed with some Netafim tape or every thing would have fried.
But August brought some rain, and tiny bit cooler, and the plants got some color, set some fruit, and began to ripen.
So In the ground I had
3 - Arledge (a Louisiana family pepper)
0 - Ancient Sweet (ran out of space)
2 - Beaver Dam (Hungarian via Wisconsin)
3 - Jim NarYellow  (Classic Italian frying pepper - a yellow sport that popped up in my 2015 grow, so un-tried) 
1 - Red Habanero
1 - Cabe Mereh Basar
Crammed into a 42"  x 60" area

A mildly productive Red Hab

One of the Beaver Dams

Is B Dam has a less normal phenotype. I think it normally has a wider shoulder 
Both seem a little hotter than I expected. Maybe my parent got crossed.
Always loved the Jimmy Nardello, a frying sweet Red normally.

My NarYellow is every bit as sweet.
This is the first set C.M. Basar, so the seed should be true.
Just turning here.
I'm a let this puppy get soft ripe to make sure the seeds get fat.

And on the counter:

Thanks for the read.
Hopefully I can keep this up better.
Hey, Chewi.
Victory is ours!
I like to start them on the grill with some smoke. 
Could end up in a fresh sauce, or dried and powdered.
Those NarYellows could end up fried on a sammich, or tossed in pasta.
Peppers -paragons of possibilites.
Good to see ya growin again JJJessee!
SW VA? Be careful. There's some evil "spirits" down in them thar hills. :drunk:
DownRiver said:
Good to see ya growin again JJJessee!
SW VA? Be careful. There's some evil "spirits" down in them thar hills. :drunk:
Not anymore. I left  :P
I was in the Holston Valley, a few miles from the TN-VA-NC corner.
Now I'm in the Potomack Valley, a few miles from the WV-VA-MD corner.
I can see West Virginia from my house.
Had to get some counter space.

No smokin', just pure pepper.
I may buy a new smoker in a month, or at a good discount at Lowe's
There is at least some hickory on the property, a little dead one in fact if I ain't mistaken.
May have to get the chainsaw out and recycle it.  
Habs and Arledge
I'm not too familiar with the Arledge.
Question: would you still have enough time to grow out chinenses if a fellow chilehead were to mail you a few established 1G plants? I have a year-round grow down here, and I’ve got plants on hand.
Wicked Mike said:
Question: would you still have enough time to grow out chinenses if a fellow chilehead were to mail you a few established 1G plants? I have a year-round grow down here, and I’ve got plants on hand.
That awfully generous, but at this point I'd have problems beating frost. I'm in a 7a or 7b, we could have frost in a month  -Oct 18 is average I think. I used to be in Zone 6 and started chinenses early Feb to get a good sized plant in the ground before mid-May. This particular May here would have been brutal until late May. I'm on a hill making the wind a factor. Next year, I'll probably germ a few chinenses in early Feb.
Thanks, though
JJJessee said:
I've already used all my Hab powder.
I didn't realize I was below the scales resolution.
Oh well.Those piles equals the recipe.
Has a mellow-enough-for-afternoon-tea, slow, wide burn, 
Can't wait to put it on some avocado toast,
Love it. Clearly someone likes garlic as much as I do. Can also really get down with the sentiment expressed in your signature.

Tried to PM, but your box is full. Mine probably is, too. Is the wishlist on your profile current? I have Pasilla de Oaxaca, Ají Dulce Jobito, and Cumarí do Para, if so, plus several tomato varieties guaranteed to rock your socks.
Hey, Jesse, good to see you back in action.
Looks like you are having some good success!
Nice visual powder recipe!
Wicked Mike said:
Tried to PM, but your box is full. Mine probably is, too. Is the wishlist on your profile current? I have Pasilla de Oaxaca, Ají Dulce Jobito, and Cumarí do Para, if so, plus several tomato varieties guaranteed to rock your socks.
Yeah just noticed the box full. I've deleted some space.
I'm still game on those peppers after I refreshed my memory. And tomatoes, I'm mostly into paste tomatoes, but always looking for a new thrill.
I fear my pepper seed collection may have aged out -I'll try some  viability test before re-posting.
The tomato seed seem unfazed by 5 years or so. If you, or anyone, see something there you fancy just gimme a yelp.
On the rack today
IMG_5409 Arledge.jpg

A family heirloom form Louisana. About JalaHot, quick, pointed, good sweetness and flesh.
Bound to be dynamite in beans and rices or a low-country boil.
Almost lost this one
Cabe Merah Basar


This is the Indonesian pepper  from the last few seeds I had.
Less heat than a Jala, but lasting, thinner walled, more herbal than floral flavor.
Chop this into some rice vinegar, with a drop of fish sauce for your breakfast noodles. 
Spotted frost today, 9/22/20. My garden missed it by being a 25' of elevation higher up the hill.
Supposed to get 13yds of mushroom composted delivered today
Daughter's garden (60'x70') is now fully fenced except a gate and an opening for her she-shed.
I've taken 17 varieties from my 5+ year old seed collection to test germ on the heat pad. 
9 days, nary a hook. Not even the annums.   :tear:
JJJessee said:
Spotted frost today, 9/22/20. My garden missed it by being a 25' of elevation higher up the hill.
Supposed to get 13yds of mushroom composted delivered today
Daughter's garden (60'x70') is now fully fenced except a gate and an opening for her she-shed.
I've taken 17 varieties from my 5+ year old seed collection to test germ on the heat pad. 
9 days, nary a hook. Not even the annums.   :tear:
Just dodged that frost myself J. Another degree or two and the garden would have been toast. Looks like we've got  another week or so before the next threat.
Are you doing any pre-soaks or anything with your old seeds? Some say it helps with germination.
DR, I often soak, but did not on these. My post stimulated something though, they started popping that same day. I got a Red Bhut and a 7 Pot Barrackpore among 9 of the 17 s far. No manzano yet.
No frost on our 10 day yet.