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Trippaul Threat (PdN x BMJ) Community Grow

This is a dedicated grow log for Tristen's awesome cross, which I
have been growing out since 2014.  I'll start with a bit of history and
some photos documenting what's happened so far.
In January of 2014, Tristen (Trippa) sent me a little care package of seeds.
In the package were two generations of a cross he had made, which he just 
called 'Mystery Cross, F1' and 'Mystery Cross, F2'.  
Here's Trippa's Mystery Cross seedlings in February of 2014:


Both generations showing the purple foliage characteristic since the beginning.
Up close look at Trippa's Mystery Crosses, F1 and F2.  Both culled to a single
plant after the photo taken, so I only had one plant of each generation:
Pepper-Guru said:
They are going nuts...
Also out of my two violets the one is showing that incredible fasciation!!! I let her go and she went straight up on once side while the other galaxy spiral apical stem side stalled for a bit and then broke away from its spiral to branch out and is now following the other up to the stratosphere! Very cool plants man. Just wow.
That's great, Rich! Interesting how the fasciated
stem finally sorted itself out. The structure left
behind must be pretty gnarly.
Idk if one of the neigbors sprayed something, but it does seem different than what Trent L says the herbicide damage does. I will hunt down some cal mag and foliar feed. I didnt see any aphids, but I dont have a jeweler loop or whatever they are called. I will get some more pics, been super busy
Walchit said:
Idk if one of the neigbors sprayed something, but it does seem different than what Trent L says the herbicide damage does. I will hunt down some cal mag and foliar feed. I didnt see any aphids, but I dont have a jeweler loop or whatever they are called. I will get some more pics, been super busy
Don't think that is aphid damage, it's usually more lumpy, and shriveled.
Here is a link to plant disease symptoms related to nutrients.
I know you're all going to reply saying "pictures", but...
My plant that is indoors has only set a couple of pods.  They look quite similar to ones I've seen pictured on here - sort of oval, smooth.
The outdoor plant had several flowers open, shrivel up a few days later but not drop off.  So I thought they were pollinated.  However, pods haven't really developed.  They just have this tiny, tiny thing (just a few mm) which has three lobes.  Weird stuff.
Yeah, I know, photos.
Devv said:
Fully ripe "purples", just a hint of getting soft. I'm amazed at the color changes.
Those are real beauties, Scott!
A couple of nice phenotypes in there!
I'm amazed by the amount of white in the pods.
Most of my violet producers are darker.
Walchit said:
I'm wondering if something drifted in. The soil I tested was at around 7, but I don't think that would cause this. My growdown plant looks super rough. That or the tap water really sucks this year.
If your weather was like ours in June and early July,
I can understand. My plants are only now really starting
to come out, and not all of them. We will def need a good
Fall season to save the grow this year!
PaulG said:
If your weather was like ours in June and early July,
I can understand. My plants are only now really starting
to come out, and not all of them. We will def need a good
Fall season to save the grow this year!
I'm in the same boat.  This week should be a good boost.  Really hoping September comes through and extends the warm season for us.
Walchit said:

Idk if my ph is messed up, or if one of the neighbors sprayed something. But maybe I will have better luck next year
Walchit said:
Mine are dying now. And during the day the leaves look wet. Idk if its from the calcium shit I sprayed on them.
Your SLCR is doing this too right? Sounds like something drifted and got ya.