seeds trouble germinating one type of seed

ive never had trouble germinating chilli seeds in the past only recently with some morugas ive had some issues
ive germinated 3 different chilli seeds, peach trinidad, cgn 21500 and moruga's,  placed them in root rio cubes in an incubator, the cgn and opeach trinidad germinated very nicely, but the morugas on the other hand had all the same problem they srpouted, but as soon as the first 2 little leaves came out of the cube they started turning black and died, the temperature was around 25 degrees, the cubes were mois but not damp, and once again i only had this problem wth the morugas, and with all the 10 seeds provided, do you have any idea what i did wrong? the seeds were just 1cm deep in the cube and were provided light with a 125w cfl 6400 bulb.
heres a picture

this is the initial stage aferwards the leaves turn even darker, dry ou and die
thank you in advance

best regards

I just wanted to say welcome to the forum Jules! We're happy to have you here!
As for the seeds, did you get them from a reputable source? I had some seeds that were either bad or immature and didn't sprout. Could be the problem? 
thanks for the welcome!
im going to do a grow log shortly since i have a few varieties growing atm.
regarding the seeds, yeah i got them from fatalii seeds, i really dont see what couldve happened as once again i had 2 other species, also c.chinense germinating perfectly under the same conditions.
Fatalii seeds has a fantastic reputation.  Still, nobody is perfect.  While trying to come up with an answer, all I keep coming back to is what was different between the multiple plants.  Figuring you used the same incubator, cubes, and the humidity was the same; that leaves only the seeds that could be different.  Maybe the seeds were packed with the slightest bit of mold and that mold took over once panted and heated?

Again, they have a great reputation and there is always a chance of error in any human en-devour.  I would continue to order seeds from them. 
Hi Jules and welcome.
I think it would be foolish to try and say whether it's a mold issure from what you've shown.
I agree with ajdrew. Fatalii has an excellent reputation. I would contact him and I'd certainly expect that he will help with advice if you are doing something wrong or redress in whatever way if his seeds were at fault.
My feeling is that all of one variety failing and none of the others means it's a seed quality issue.
Good luck. Let us know how you get on.
Whereabouts in France are you?
I agree with AJDrew about the possibility of mold. It may not even be the seed, it could be that particular cube where a spore or two landed. But the only suggestion I can think of as an easy try-it situation is to add a teaspoon of h2o2 to a sprayer of water. And when you wet anything use the light hydrogen peroxide mixture and that may help eliminate factors.
Sorry, edited my post. I had a sober moment and answered the question that I had in my head instead of the OP. But now that I'm off work and better, I fixed my post  :)
i never said it was the seedmakers fault, all my seeds come from fatalii and im extremely satisfied with them, it just seems like this batch of morugas seeds all have the same problem and i was wondering what i did wrong so as not to do it again :)
i contacted fatalii directly, he doesnt know either
the seedlings arrent dead but they havent grown at all for the past few days ad the leaves kee pgetting browner and darker, very slowly though
im in paris, i have some other strains growing at the moment including cgn 21500, peach trinidad, ortega's, guatemalan rocoto, diomar and fatalii jigsaw, i will do a glog very soon to show you guys all this stuff.