Trout Meuniere

Five, I am much oblige sir. That is one hell of a compliment to have someone dupe one of my concoctions. You made it even more WIN with the sides too! You aced it man!!

Fear not about posting about the salad....not just for wimps. In fact I was thinking about starting a salad thread. I only eat the
"bad" food friday and saturday. Lots of veggies during the week. I love pickled 'peno's in my salads. Serrano's too!

Cheers, TB.
I believe I will be making this in the next day or so. I just spied some fresh Steelhead flanks at my local grocery. I can't wait to try it. Thanks for bumping this thread to refresh my memory.
Well I made this tonight. The piece of Steelhead broke down to five fillets and I cooked them according to TB's recipe with the addition of some sweet onion and a good heaping tablespoon of garlic. It turned out terrific. I didn't take pictures, but it looked pretty much the same as the others. Nice recipe TB.
JayT said:
Well I made this tonight. The piece of Steelhead broke down to five fillets and I cooked them according to TB's recipe with the addition of some sweet onion and a good heaping tablespoon of garlic. It turned out terrific. I didn't take pictures, but it looked pretty much the same as the others. Nice recipe TB.

Thanks JayT. Now you absolutely have to try the same fish the same way but with a cream sauce with sweet thai chile.

Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
Thanks JayT. Now you absolutely have to try the same fish the same way but with a cream sauce with sweet thai chile.

Cheers, TB.

Well, I thought back to what you suggested TB, and when a friend told me he had some fresh trout for me (just caught that morning), I jumped at it. Here are the results. I only got one shot of the trout cooking, but there were 7 (6 rainbows and a brook). I filleted them and dredged them in seasoned flour. Let them sit for about 15 minutes then panfried them in a mix of butter and olive oil. After they were all fried, I put them in the oven o keep warm and made the sauce. The sauce consisted of more butter, heavy cream, Mae Ploy sweet Thai chile sauce, and some homemade Thai chile powder. I then piled the trout onto some brown rice seasoned with garlic, sea salt, cracked pepper, and more of the Thai powder. Poured the sauce over top and sprinkled with some chopped cilantro and purple basil. Voila:



JayT said:
One more: This stuff was awesome!


Two thumbs WAAAAAY upt JayT! Looks so righteous that I gratuitously quoted just to bring the piccy back around. The thai sweet chile cream sauce is a monster! I love it!

Salute', TB.