• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

True North's 2015 grow

I have never done a glog or any form of blog. I feel rather embarassed to even post my grow because I cannot even begin to compete with most of yall. However, I got some awesome equipment to work with this year. After my dad passed I inheirited all his gardening supplies. He was an avid indoor grower so I have a lot of sweet lighting to work with including 2 UFO (LED) lights, more florescent grow lights and hoods than I care to count and about half a dozen HPS/MH setups (which won't see any use due to power usage). I also have his greenhouse that he rigged up with auto-watering systems, fans and old fridges that he turned into raised beds. It will be a lot of work cleaning everything up and getting it ready, but this will be hands down my coolest grow to date.
List of what I started:
7 Pot Douglah - Qty 3
7 Pot Brown - Qty 3
Chocolate Habanero - Qty 6
Caribbean Red Habanero - Qty 6
Yellow Fatalii - Qty 6
Aji Umbra Yellow - Qty 6
Aji Limon - Qty 6
Moruga Scorpion - Qty 9
Peach Bhut Jolokia - Qty 6
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia - Qty 6
Carolina Reaper - Qty 6
Yellow Moruga Scorpion - Qty 3
Purple Jalapeno - Qty 6
Later on I will be starting:
Red Bell
Sweet Banana
Yellow Squash
Task for today is setting up those UFO lights. They look so cool when they are turned on!

It will be a sweet setup once I get everything cleaned up and put back together and all that fun stuff. It is a disaster right now. I don't dare grow outside of the greenhouse, though. My mom has pretty much tamed a small herd of mule deer that live year round in her yard and eat carrots out of her hands. No doubt they would make short work of any plants.
beerbreath81 said:
Holy crap! that a sweet set-up bud. Good luck this year. If ya need some pepper seeds let me know.
I'm always up for trying new varieties!
Update: Everything I started the other day, every last cell, has popped, except the Yellow Fatalii.
BeerBreath81 hooked me up with a bunch of seeds that I got in the mail this morning. Now I have these started as well:
Naga Viper Black - Qty 3
7 Pot White - Qty 3
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion - Qty 3
7 Pot Madballz - Qty 3
7 Pot Brain Strain (Yellow) - Qty 3
7 Pot Brain Strain (Red) - Qty 6
7 Pot Bubblegum - Qty 6
7 Pot Douglah - Qty 6
Naga Morich - Qty 6
Thanks for the support everyone!
Roguejim said:
Now, that's an indoor grow set-up!  I count around 77 plants on your list.  Got the room?
I sure do! I have room for 90 pepper plants inside the greenhouse while saving enough room to grow a few other veggies that my mother has requested me to grow. I have 111 of those little cells started in my two trays. I will also be starting a few sweet varieties later on as the season progresses. Obviously I am going to have to cull a few of the weaker ones as time goes on and not every seed is going to sprout, but it will be a full house and any extras I may have will be donated to someone.
I don't dare plant any outside of the greenhouse because we have a small herd of local mule deer that my mother has pretty much tamed. She has even named them and they will happily eat out of your hands and allow you to pet them. Mulies are kind of stupid, honestly. Try doing that will a whitetail!
I found 4 ginormous tubs in my dad's old stuff. All I gotta do is add some drainage holes and I will be set! These will be perfect for adding a few more in the yard (going to have to fence it off). I never got to use tubs this big, but I think I am going to try and give "Nigel" a run for it's money. :party:
I'm sorry for the loss of your father, Ben.
It's never easy losing a parent, no matter your age.
The greenhouse set-up is money, though.  
Good luck getting it up and running!
PaulG said:
I'm sorry for the loss of your father, Ben.
It's never easy losing a parent, no matter your age.
The greenhouse set-up is money, though.  
Good luck getting it up and running!
Thank you. :cheers:
I've got my work cut out for me getting it ready, but it will be a lot fun! First thing I gotta do is figure out where the heck do I start?!
Runescape said:
Great pepper setup. But goddamn that car looks awesome...
Thanks, but my car is a piece of junk. 2013 Chevrolet Spark. Bought it brand new off the lot with 8 miles on it, 5 of which were mine. It has been in the shop constantly starting at under 1,000 miles. Well over a dozen times, not counting the half a dozen or so recalls it has had. I actually just got it back from the shop again today. We'll see how long it lasts this time. The first chance I get financially I am going to get a brand new Honda CR-V.
That is a great set up!Wow now you are ready to cause some pod damage.Hope you have a great grow.Will everything be in door?Great pics love the use of the old fridges....