• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

True North's 2015 grow

I have never done a glog or any form of blog. I feel rather embarassed to even post my grow because I cannot even begin to compete with most of yall. However, I got some awesome equipment to work with this year. After my dad passed I inheirited all his gardening supplies. He was an avid indoor grower so I have a lot of sweet lighting to work with including 2 UFO (LED) lights, more florescent grow lights and hoods than I care to count and about half a dozen HPS/MH setups (which won't see any use due to power usage). I also have his greenhouse that he rigged up with auto-watering systems, fans and old fridges that he turned into raised beds. It will be a lot of work cleaning everything up and getting it ready, but this will be hands down my coolest grow to date.
List of what I started:
7 Pot Douglah - Qty 3
7 Pot Brown - Qty 3
Chocolate Habanero - Qty 6
Caribbean Red Habanero - Qty 6
Yellow Fatalii - Qty 6
Aji Umbra Yellow - Qty 6
Aji Limon - Qty 6
Moruga Scorpion - Qty 9
Peach Bhut Jolokia - Qty 6
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia - Qty 6
Carolina Reaper - Qty 6
Yellow Moruga Scorpion - Qty 3
Purple Jalapeno - Qty 6
Later on I will be starting:
Red Bell
Sweet Banana
Yellow Squash
Task for today is setting up those UFO lights. They look so cool when they are turned on!

Runescape said:
Lol, but dat color tho!
looked a little more yellow in the first pic though...
It is loud and makes a statement, that is for sure. That is what initially attracted me to it. They call the color "Jalapeno". Not quite accurate to me. Nowadays you'd never know it was green. It is permanently covered in a 3/4 inch layer of dirt and mud.
mpicante said:
That is a great set up!Wow now you are ready to cause some pod damage.Hope you have a great grow.Will everything be in door?Great pics love the use of the old fridges....
Almost everything will be in the greenhouse, but I am going to fence off an area in the yard to try and grow some massive naga morichs that will hopefully give "Nigel" a run for it's money. My only issue with growing outside of the greenhouse is the deer. We have a small herd of tame mule deer in town that would no doubt make short word of any plants in their reach.
off to a great start Ben, cant wait to see that greenhouse up and running ;) . Good luck buddy and post lots of pics of the process
beerbreath81 said:
off to a great start Ben, cant wait to see that greenhouse up and running ;) . Good luck buddy and post lots of pics of the process
Oh I will, sir! It is going to be a jungle in there when I am through with it! Thanks again!
Alrighty, so I have hit a little snag in my grow. Germination rates were amazing with probably better than 95% popping up in my first try, but my seedlings were not liking those LEDs. The LEDs I was using was an original generation UFO from darn near a decade ago and it was causing some bleaching. I did a little research on the LED lighting (which ended up being 99% marijuana related, but I figure the theory is the same) and I guess that bleaching is a common problem with older generation LEDs. So I have moved on to a 200w fluorescent grow light to see how they like that light. If this doesn't pan out well either, I have both 400w MH and 400w HPS bulbs to throw at them, but I am saving them as a last resort because of the obvious increase in electricity.
I also have that second tray I planted a week ago with seeds from BeerBreath81 that I am going to have to throw under some light here in a few. So far I have three 7pot Bubblegum and one Yellow Brainstrain that have hooked in that tray. Woot!
The new growth was looking good, but I didn't want to take any chances. Now I am tweaking the height of this fluorescent setup because it gives off a lot more heat so I don't want to nuke them.
Rymerpt said:
Holy smokes what a cool set up. You're gonna kick some butt with those tools.

Thank you! I inherited some neat toys!
That pepper guy cracked me up. Reminds me of something that Joe Cartoon would draw.
TNRedit: They are already perking up under this light. It is amazing how quickly they can make a comeback.
Update: 03-19-2015. I repotted a few and culled some of the weaker/smaller plants in the cells that sprouted more than one. That hurt! I need to get more pots next time I am in town.
Plants are looking real good Ben. Keep it up.
If everything goes in the green house, how soon can you get them out there? I wouldn't think it would be too long from now.
Jeff H said:
Plants are looking real good Ben. Keep it up.
If everything goes in the green house, how soon can you get them out there? I wouldn't think it would be too long from now.
I figure I am going to give it about another month or so. Although the weather here has been absolutely gorgeous, there is still potential for it to get too cold overnight. I got more potted up today and over the next day or so I will get the rest potted up.
I am going to have to put a shelf in the closet and run two lights after everything is potted up do to space limitations. Luckily I have plenty of lights for that.
Not that everyone is repotted, I didn't have the room in my "grow closet" so I set them up on a table in the basement under.
TNRedit: HA! I knew I had a 400w MH bulb down there somewhere. So here are all 85 I have going.
I suppose I will update...
Excuse the mess and lack of weeding. I have been rather busy lately so I have neglected a few things. At least they are in the dirt and getting some natural sunlight.
My messy ghetto greenhouse...
coachspencerxc said:
Love the fridges!
My dad turned put it all together before he died. He even got started on automatic watering system, but never completed it. I do have a small pump hooked up to the irrigation ditch that runs at the edge of our property. My dad also put in old shelves and stuff on the back side, but they are covered in random junk that I haven't had the time to go through and clean up. One of these days when I get the time I am going to take it all down and clean it up nice and repair the issues. It is an absolute mess right now, but it is functional for the time being, which is what truly matters.
TrueNorthReptiles said:
My dad turned put it all together before he died. He even got started on automatic watering system, but never completed it. I do have a small pump hooked up to the irrigation ditch that runs at the edge of our property. My dad also put in old shelves and stuff on the back side, but they are covered in random junk that I haven't had the time to go through and clean up. One of these days when I get the time I am going to take it all down and clean it up nice and repair the issues. It is an absolute mess right now, but it is functional for the time being, which is what truly matters.
Nah, looks good to me. Great space. Probably necessary in your location. 