Trying Jalapanero???

I second that. From what I've read the heat is much more intense than a regular Jalapeno. I'm curious to see how the Habanero would blend with the taste of a Jalapeno.
I grew jalabaneros last year and the year before. It is a cross made by webofhair. I grew f2s from webofhair and then f3s from my favorite of the f2s. I gave some of that batch of f3s to PrairieChilihead last season. Because it was not stable yet each plant was very different especially in the f2s. Some looked like jalapenos with ribs, some looked like elongated habaneros, and some looked like cayennes. No 2 were alike. Here is a pic of one of my f3s.

PrairieChilihead had some in his garden in this youtube video.
And webofhair had a website with lots of pics on it.
alawn said:
I grew jalabaneros last year and the year before. It is a cross made by webofhair. I grew f2s from webofhair and then f3s from my favorite of the f2s. I gave some of that batch of f3s to PrairieChilihead last season. Because it was not stable yet each plant was very different especially in the f2s. Some looked like jalapenos with ribs, some looked like elongated habaneros, and some looked like cayennes. No 2 were alike.

Do you have any seeds? :D :D :D