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Trying to grow Carolina Reaper

Im trying to grow what i think is a carolina reaper. The plant dosen't look healthy. big issue is that it seems the soil never dries out, and the leaves and blossoms dry out and fall off. Any blooms that do come up tend to be small. i can go two weeks without the soil drying out, is this an indication of a root problem? Im using a full spectrum LED lighting that is left on for 16 hrs a day. the plant is seven months old.
any help is appreciated!
How is drainage in the pot? How much light are you throwing at that? LED lights don't throw off a lot of light compared to HPS/MH or natural light.
Does that pot have drainage? LEDs depending on the maker are very good. I've grown some monster ass plants with LED. Chances are it's too much water, the fungus gnats or a deficiency. We would need pics in normal lighting to tell better. I'm going to guess poorly draining soil and maybe a calmag issue. Also is there a small fan or anything running in there? Pollination could be an issue even though I lean more toward the water/magnesium.
try running a small fan in there to assist pollination, add a tsp epsom salt to your water next time it needs a drink. One small led fixture may be enough to keep it alive... but I run several larger ones
few months ago before I ditched them

That was with two blackstar 240s and a T5 fixture over them. 
i think it might be toast. i just moved it, and it toppled over...its like it dosent have a good root system....fn eh..
badnews222 said:
i think it might be toast. i just moved it, and it toppled over...its like it dosent have a good root system....fn eh..
That is definitely a sign of a root problem there. And you are probably right, it is probably a goner unless you can get it to reroot in new medium.
yeah you need good drainage. pots need to have holes and some bagged soils you get at the big store are meant to stay wet for a long time so you don't have to water them much, good for some flowers and stuff, not good for peppers.
juanitos said:
yeah you need good drainage. pots need to have holes and some bagged soils you get at the big store are meant to stay wet for a long time so you don't have to water them much, good for some flowers and stuff, not good for peppers.
Promix and Fox Farms have always done me right for dirt. I always add in some extra perlite for good measure.
My condolences on your loss. I know that has to be heartbreaking going to all that work and expense just to have it kick the bucket at the last minute.
holy shite! well dont mean to bring up old threads...but i moved this plant...and it pretty much toppled over...i had written it off...planted it in august 2014 and has been an uphill battle
ever since....when it toppled over...i was ready to throw it in the recycling bin...but since i had put so much t.l.c. into this little plant i just couldnt....well fast forward 11  months...and we finally have our first pod. its always put out the odd flower here and there...but since the weather has gotten warm up here it is flowering nicely...hence our first baby!
These plants are damn resiliant...never give up on them! An especial shout out to TrueNorthReptiles who offered up some seeds without silicitation! thanks budz!
