• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

tsurrie's 2017 glog

Stage 01: Selecting seeds for this season's grow is a hassle. Cutting back a little for sure. If I can.

Plan is to sow them sometime around 25th next week.
Here's a pic of the grow box today.... the small plants on the right are the peppers I transplanted last.
The sprouts on the lower left are tomatoes. They look eager to grow.

Kapijas and Yellow bells.... the tiny left one behind is a cayenne like non-hot pepper. I added it instead of one yellow bell that didn't produce any true leaves and just stopped growing. Weird huh?
A quick update on the grow... all seems well, even tomatoes started to kick in after a week. So if the growing will continue as planted, all will be good till the dirt day comes.
Sorry about the lights. Will take some photos in the daylight soon.
The shelves

The box

and also... we took a family walk today because it was a beautiful day and spring is starting around here.
The first reminder is a Spring crocus (Crocus vernus)

view to the west

and to the north

I wish I had my good old Nikon D80 with me. The pics would be much better.
I'll be in touch.
Beautiful beginning to the season, Uros!  Your plants look great.  
The grow shelf and the germinator box are working great for you!
Your pictures remind me of parts of Eastern Oregon.
PaulG said:
Beautiful beginning to the season, Uros!  Your plants look great.  
The grow shelf and the germinator box are working great for you!
Your pictures remind me of parts of Eastern Oregon.
Thank you Paul. Can't even compare to your monster plants right now  :P  , but they're doing well off course. :dance:
Oregon seems similar in a certain way. It's almost the same latitude after all. Seems beautiful over there when looking over some photos.
Devv said:
Glad your plants are doing well Uros! ;)
So is this country view from your house? It's simply beautiful, and I bet the soil is prime.
Keep it green!
No no... it's my relatives land (the second pic) and is located about 500 meters above the city I live in. Its about an hour walk if your feet are light. That is my favorite hilltop around here and my common passing point while running or hiking.
The soil however is good for patatoes, but the weather is way too cold for growing chiles up there without a greenhouse.
Thanks for coming by.
tsurrie said:
Thank you Paul. Can't even compare to your monster plants right now  :P  , but they're doing well off course. :dance:
Yours will catch up with mine by the end of summer, my friend.  
I'm thinking of a later start some season, but am afraid of the
long time it can take pods to ripen in out climate.
Oregon seems similar in a certain way. It's almost the same latitude after all. Seems beautiful over there when looking over some photos.
I think you are right about that.  Many of the plants I
see in your pics look similar to ones we have.  Spain
is also very similar to Oregon, just rotated ninety degrees
if that makes any sense.
Looking good Uros. I love the the field of flowers.

I'm growing the Caribbean Red as well. Last year I grew them as well. I got two different phenols off the same plant. Actually only two pepper with this off pheno. I saved the seeds and am growing them out this year. The had a great taste. If they turn out with the same pheno this year, I'll send you seeds.

Here they are. One had one had a 3way protrusion and the other 4way, like a bonnet.

OCD Chilehead said:
Looking good Uros. I love the the field of flowers.

I'm growing the Caribbean Red as well. Last year I grew them as well. I got two different phenols off the same plant. Actually only two pepper with this off pheno. I saved the seeds and am growing them out this year. The had a great taste. If they turn out with the same pheno this year, I'll send you seeds.

Here they are. One had one had a 3way protrusion and the other 4way, like a bonnet.

Thank you. I can see they are special. Thanks for the offer and sure, I'd like a few seeds to try them next year. Thanks for stopping by Chuck.
Thanks for the pics of your homeland Uros! They remind me of the time I spent along the front range of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado almost 40 years ago. Here's hoping you can get your plant-out underway soon!
stickman said:
Thanks for the pics of your homeland Uros! They remind me of the time I spent along the front range of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado almost 40 years ago. Here's hoping you can get your plant-out underway soon!
Thanks Rick. I'd like for it to happen soon, but remember last year... the snow fell just after transplanting tomatoes to the greenhouse :) That was at the end of april.
Datil said:
Nice shots!
Both the plants and your surroundings look great!
Thank you Fabrizio. Gonna take some photos with my camera soon, so be sure to come by again ;)
Uros, that is just a beautiful countryside!  You are certainly blessed to have that available to you.  Your pepper plants are looking great!  Continued best of luck with the remainder of your season.
bpiela said:
Uros, that is just a beautiful countryside!  You are certainly blessed to have that available to you.  Your pepper plants are looking great!  Continued best of luck with the remainder of your season.
Thank you very much Ben. I know and I'm aware this is one beautiful piece of the planet. Thanks and best of luck to you too.
Just a few pics of the plants from this afternoon...


Habanero Chocolate x Peach Tiger's Tooth

Madame Jeanette x Malaysian Goronong

a couple of Rocotos

who flew over the grow box?
Starting to get a little crowded in the upper chili area and tomatoes are kicking in in the bottom half of the box...