• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

tsurrie's annums (and couple chinenses) grow 2014

So, here they are ... my babies... unknown Cayennes (someone in I.D. section says it's similar to Hot Portugal), Bolivian Rainbows, Goatsweeds, As chillies, Bolgarian Carrots and some non-hots even, for my wife and friends...
I planted the first seeds in late january, the next ones in the middle of february... and in about three weeks from now, they're going out... it all depends on the weather forecast...




for the last time... this years hottest is ... goatsweed.... but for next year I promised myself some superhots... moruga, reapers, bhuts..... whatever I'll decide to get by the end of the year... what do you think?
EDIT: I decided later to get two superhots this season and now I'm growing also Bhut Jolokia and Fatalii yellow ... will see by the end of the season if I need to go any hotter
Thanks for the recipe, will try it these days. BTW the garlic getting green, a Chinese colleague teached me to put vinegar (maybe milder than 9% , I am using I think 5-6%)  in a jar, and garlic cloves inside, and keep it in the fridge. They really go blue-green after a while, but I like them so much, they are milder in taste, and the vinegar is aromatic too.
Your Adjoema looks a bit close to a pepper I have, a guy told me he bought the peppers ina supermarket in Bucharest, under the name of "Aji Jamaiquinho". Not sure, but I think mines are bigger, and more wrinkled.
Today's harvest...
few paprikas (with one huge bell pepper), tomatos, Fatalii's, Bulgarian Carrots
two on the left are some sweet peppers and some Cayenne peppers
the center pile after only one As chile is a bunch of Goat's weed peppers, followed by Bolivian Rainbows, weird looking Goat's weed pods below them and bunch of Bhut Jolokia's in the lower right corner ---- oh, there are two Adjoema's between B. Carrots and Bhuts...

Now I'm off to do some pickling and cutting for dehydration....
Did a little picking today, again... couldn't decide but got the majority of it already dehydrating... some were put in a freezer ... some in a box that I keep on my kitchen counter to enable easy/fast access when needed

Gonna use the ones I'm putting in a freezer later in winter to make a hot sauce or salsa .. the ones dehydrated are going in a jar and wait for some pizza time.... gonna throw some pieces on a pizza before baking... it oughta be good
anyway... looks like the season is about to end...
Today I picked almost every Bhut's that were left .. there is maybe 10 more on a plant and about 10 in that counter box waiting for my courage and maybe someone passing by to mess with.... there is just a few Goatsweed's left on each plant... maybe to fill a few jar's (pickling)
The most productive now, when all other plants are slowly fading ... is off course Fatalii ... there is like a half more pods up there, but I'm afraid the weather wont hold much longer... by the end of the month is sure gonna be some freezing around these parts... hope they all ripe until then
what can you do... the winter is slowly coming our way :violin:
Getting close to the last or pre-last harvest of this season...
this is what I still have growin...
Adjoema slowly ripens .. it's just the best pepper these days when I can regulary use them for quick meals

this is one of the last "active" Goatsweed plants ... still has a few pods left

the most generous of all for now is off course Fatalii .. which will give me a few more pods ... it's gonna be a fiery winter...

last men standing ... a few of remaining bhuts left out there...  then this plant goes to compost bin

I'm really thinking of overwintering only Fatalii plant .. as it seems really tough and productive one...
Yup, the season is coming to an end ... I moved all of the plants (that still have pods on) from the balcony into the greenhouse, so the low morning temps wont affect them as much.
Threw away (composted) two of my Goatsweed plants that were almost out of pods.... and got a pretty decent harvest from the plants and some paprika's from the garden...
Paprika's, tomatoes, Goat's weed, Fatalii's, Bulgarian Carrots, As chile's, Cayenne's, Adjoema's, Bhut's and Bolivian Rainbows...
It's official ... that's my last pick for this season, as I think the last As chiles and Fatalii's are not gonna ripen because of the low temperatures .... such similar fate than the last growing Goatsweed pods that I picked and pickled today... this was the today's harvest
bunch of different peppers, two Adjoema's, one last Bhut and Fatalii's

that's my dried stock for the winter... I bet it's enough since I have at least 30 pods (Bhut and Fatalii) in the fridge

I went and did this to my Bolivian Rainbow.... the root system was almost 1 meter long
This was a plant in 5 gallon pot ... a monster root but NOT as fat main roots as I would like.
What do you think, will it live ???
Essegi said:
Excellent, it seems you'll have a fine winter! :D
yeah, I just hope I'll have the energy too prepare anything good
sometimes, when the kids finally go to sleep in the evening.... me any my wife would fall down to bed like sprayed mosquitos :)
all in all, as long as I have goodies stored... there should be goodies cooked
rghm1u20 said:
Your Adjoema looks a bit close to a pepper I have, a guy told me he bought the peppers ina supermarket in Bucharest, under the name of "Aji Jamaiquinho". Not sure, but I think mines are bigger, and more wrinkled.
hey, so I had a chance to finally test the Aji Jamaiquinho you sent me, and it is bigger than Adjoema
Aji Jamaiquinho has a very distinctive chinense smell (it really reminds me of Bhut Jolokia) and is very mild compared to other similar shaped chinense peppers while Adjoema has a very similar taste than Caribbean Red (also compared with the pod you sent me) - Adjoema seems to be a little sweeter - and the heat level is somewhere near
Well, it seems I just can't let the season of 2014 go... :)
I had to pick everything from the garden about 14 days ago, so I minced, diced and puree all of the remaining ripe and unripe peppers into this mash.... also added little garlic, carrots and onion... we'll see what I'll end with.. it's nice to still do something pepper related these rainy days

So, keep in mind this is my first ferment... I decided at first to go with the wild ferment, added salt (about 5%), but later also added just a little whey (from yogurt) and it started to bubble in about 5 days... it's acting wild now and I'm hoping it wont go bad... I keep it as closed as possible, since I don't have the right caps for this process....
keeping my fingers crossed...
maybe I'll do an update when making a sauce, but this completes this year's growing season for me...
thank you all for following my first glog!
Wishing you good luck and a hot winter!!!