vendor Tucabail - HUGS!

He is not a commercial vendor, but i would like to give a public thanks and recommendation to member Tucabail in Brazil. He obviously does it out of love - as his prices are very resonable as well shipping costs. My order arrived in 2 weeks from Rio to Southwestern US. He has alot of intereresting varieties to choose from.

I believe he runs this Chili Pepper site out of Brazil. He can give you member access and you can use microsoft translator to read the forums/descriptions. I think it is under Grow Diaries you can view his glog.

Of course it takes patience to deal with microsoft translator if you don't speak Portuguese but Tuca's kindness makes it worthwile - HUGS!

Sophie's Choice (AZpepperGirl) is....Tucabail!
i will be the first to admit there is a language/communication barrier. I am sure you know that too in being from Korea. Let me know what happened and i can help fix it maybe. I know he wouldn't want to have you unhappy.

we will fix it,