food Tuna- Chilli Sandwich TD

I don't eat much bread these days compadre, in fact when I do its in bun form as in a burger.

You're a chef? Cool. Where at? Do tell.
I have my 7061, and my Intermediate hygiene certificate. I believe this has now changed to a City and Guilds from when I did it in my free time years in 1990. I have worked part-time in Kitchens whilst at University , and owned my own restaurant called The Ship with my Father, in Mozambique, in the old Port area called the Faire Popular. I'm actually a Professor now, nothing special.

Adds even more rich color and I like the slight tinge of tang of the mirin. Good stuff.
It's usually used in cheese right?
Like sex, don't knock it till you try it.

I don't think this is a saying in English.
never heard of people who knock sex before trying it.
Most lie about it beforehand, but few knock it.

(and knockin-it is another way to describe a sex-act).

(so is Doggy style, which I've heard is a way to have stir-fry prepared in Thailand).
I have my 7061, and my Intermediate hygiene certificate. I believe this has now changed to a City and Guilds from when I did it in my free time years in 1990. I have worked part-time in Kitchens whilst at University , and owned my own restaurant called The Ship with my Father, in Mozambique, in the old Port area called the Faire Popular. I'm actually a Professor now, nothing special.

It's usually used in cheese right?

Anato is used to color cheese yes, especially cheddars and processed american cheese. Achiote is a key ingredient in Mexican dishes such as Puerco Pibil.

I'm a little confused, the 7061 cert is a food handlers certificate. What culinary school did you get your chef rating at? Are you a culinary school professor? I ain't so smart in some 'thangs and just want to clarify what you're saying.
dude, you are an odd man. just my 2 cents that Scovie hit. at this site they "Throw downs" like he said they are held every month. what you are doing in false advertising. what you want in a tuna sammy comparison. so the title should have been show your tuna, would have been more catchy. and your sandwhich looks about as appealing as whitney houston!
dude, you are an odd man. just my 2 cents that Scovie hit. at this site they "Throw downs" like he said they are held every month. what you are doing in false advertising. what you want in a tuna sammy comparison. so the title should have been show your tuna, would have been more catchy. and your sandwhich looks about as appealing as whitney houston!
That was amusing- though, the sandwich was great, should have toasted the bread to be honest and bought some not sliced. Pesto, tuna and chillies go well. Could made a Door Step with unsliced. Trust me , that's an awesome sandwich.

FIXED: It's like anal sex. Don't knock it before you try it.

We won't even get into DPing.
Or F-lching!
I came in here to see what this Tuna Sandwich TD was all about. I thought someone took over THP until I saw it was just Bootsieb with his tallywacker out making sub par Tuna sandwiches... :violin:

You can't post an ingredient pic, pics of you making the filling, a plating pic and then say that it's not your REAL entry because people started knocking it! lol :snooty:
Hey guys come on this is a TD!

Tuna Disaster