got 7 or 8 pepper joe seed packs 2 weeks ago and got things started...
back row is a yatsufuca, 2 chocolate habs that havent done a damn thing yet, and some mystery peppers up front. mystery peppers bring some serious suspense to the party.
2 bhut jolokia in the back...left side hasnt done anything yet but got some action on the right.
and up front is a wee little tentacle of a chicken heart on the left and 2 pots of pumpkin habs that are off to a good start
back row is a yatsufuca, 2 chocolate habs that havent done a damn thing yet, and some mystery peppers up front. mystery peppers bring some serious suspense to the party.
2 bhut jolokia in the back...left side hasnt done anything yet but got some action on the right.
and up front is a wee little tentacle of a chicken heart on the left and 2 pots of pumpkin habs that are off to a good start