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Turn on the Bloom

I'm using a 30-10-10 solution now but will switch to a 5-30-5 mix once the plants start blooming. But I suspect the problem Saxon is having has nothing to do with the ferts but lights. In my (very limited) experience of growing indoors, it takes a lot more light to get fruit than it does to get leaves.

the flora nova grow i have has 7-4-10 npk, so it has plenty of phosphorus and potassium. and i just calculated it and apparently my bloom ferts have the same nitrogen percentage anyway. so i guess i'm just talking about upping the amount of p and k and not the Nitrogen :).
because all added up they get to 7-9.8-8.2 so if you're looking for a well balance nutes. sry for not reading the labels earlier correctly :). at the moment i like changing the levels but, maybe i will try willard's approach with my next crop of indoor peppers.
I think the problem has been the lights. I've ordered new fertz for when the current ones run out. I added a couple of lights under the canopy where all the leaves had fell off. I came back after a weekend out of town and found my first fruit. I was surprized to see that it was a Bhut. I'm picking peppers off all my outside plants except for my Bhut, which has failed to produce. Today I just added a Blue / Red LED in addition to the others I have in place. When my current CFL's need replacement, I will go as big as I can.

In my very limited experience trying to produce fruit from plants, lighting seems to be everything. I grew a tomato plant that was 4' tall, with huge leaves, but it never produced any fruit.

I started an experiment this evening - I have two 226 bulb, 13 watt LED lights on the sides of a tom plant, and two 23 watt, 2700K lights over a the top. It's growing in dirt. Then it's sibling, sowed at the same time, is in a hydro unit under a high power LED. I'll post pictures of each setup tomorrow and see how the plants do.
